Laying Egg with no shell

Thank goodness I can come to this website for support. My husband said that raising chickens would be sooo easy. My Dominique turned bitchy, and bitey. Now two eggs were pecked this week. Just an hour ago my big Speckled Sussex laid a rubber egg. I picked her up because she was acting strange, but she wanted down and when I put her down, she immediately laid a rubber egg in front of me. Very bizarre. She was the last of the four to start laying and has laid small eggs for a month. Can you eat the rubber egg, or boil it and feed it to the hens? Is it safe to eat eggs that have a hole pecked in it? I wouldn't think so because of where their beaks have been.
I appreciate all responses. Have a great day.
Hey I used to have polands, btw loved them. Just to comment about the one that was afraid to go out and in the hen house and then disappeared (I'm assuming while free ranging) she may have been blinded buy her feathers in her eyes. I would often cut the feathers away from the eyes she they could see again, being careful not to cut into the blood part. Just a suggestion :) hope it helps if you have other polands
Hey I used to have polands, btw loved them. Just to comment about the one that was afraid to go out and in the hen house and then disappeared (I'm assuming while free ranging) she may have been blinded buy her feathers in her eyes. I would often cut the feathers away from the eyes she they could see again, being careful not to cut into the blood part. Just a suggestion :) hope it helps if you have other polands
Mine are just starting to lay this month. Today I got a rubber egg. By whom? I only have 3 (or maybe now 4) to lay out of 10 hens and 2 roos.
Because most are young. 3 more may be laying any day now. I have heard that if you give laying feed & probably oyster shell with alot of calcium, it could hurt the young ones. Do you wait to give it to them when they start to lay. I've heard go ahead & build up the calcium in their bodies. What about the roos? Will it hurt them? And how do I give them more calcium and not the others, the are in the same pen.
My family and I are new to raising chickens and are thoroughly enjoying the experience and the time we spend with them. We had no idea that they could have such sweet personalities, although some of the behaviors of our 2 roosters are taking some getting used to. Our 6 hens began laying within the last month and in the begining we had a couple of strange eggs (rubber eggs). Also our first eggs, even though they were small, had tiny double yokes. Things have been going well for the last week and the eggs are getting larger (medium to large/jumbo), but today I was startled to find an egg with no shell or membrane whatsoever. It is nice to know from the posts on this forum that this is normal. Thanks for all of the advice.
I just found one of those "odd" eggs on our porch.. But all my chicken hens are in there pen..only thing free ranging all day is 2 guineas .. Not sure really what to do with it lol:/:rolleyes:
Our 3 hens have been leaving an average of 2 eggs a day for a few weeks. Blondie, the Buff Orp has left us 2 huge double yolk eggs in the last 4 days. One of our two "Rockettes" has been regularly leaving a smallish egg for the past few weeks, but the other Rock Island hen hasn't been laying yet. My son just went to the coop, and found our first rubber egg.

Unfortunately, it was broken. It looks like it was layed from the perch, as it was not in the laying box.

I'd never seen or heard of a shell-less egg before, even though we've had chickens (and ducks) for years, so I immediately searched the forum and found this thread.

I'm guessing the Rockette that hasn't been laying may be about to start!

Just found our first Rubber Egg ever too! It was either from my Barred Rock, Betsy, or my Blue Cochin, Iris. Iris has been broody and hasn't laid in awhile and Betsy has been molting and looking pretty rough lately. LOL Anyway....way too gross for me to want to eat it, so the dog may get it in her dinner tonight!
I am thankful to have you all here though, because while I knew it probably wasn't a big deal, I still wanted to get some info on it! Thanks BYC!! :)
I, too, have found the "rubber" egg lying beneath their perch. Now have found two this week. Have 3 new pullets that are just starting to lay and wonder if one of them is doing this. Will cull if it keeps up, although figuring out who is the culprit will be a chore. Let me know if you figure out if it is one of your older hens or a new one. Thanks.
Can you eat the eggs without shells?
We recently got one from one of our new layers (and she normally lays eggs with a shell).
I know it was her because I caught her in the nest box and as soon as she came out it was in there warm.
My husband told me it was no good, and I reluctantly threw it away.

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