Laying Egg with no shell

Last night one of the hens was in the nesting box instead of on the perch, and today there was a broken rubber egg in there?!?
Is this a sickness or just something that happens sometimes?
I keep having this problem too! I get one shell- less egg once every two weeks, the rest of the time all the eggs are fine. The chickens eat the shell- less egg and run around with the membrane in their beaks & are usually covered in raw egg which they peck off each other!? They are all quite healthy, eat oyster shell, grit and layers pellets and have fresh water with cider vinegar - so who knows??! They seem happy - the mind boggles
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Hay, i got told by the vet and the people we brought the chickens from it helps prevent disease, promotes good health and can help them during challenging times i.e harsh weather, changes within the flock, mites, moulting etc i use a cap full every couple of days, you can use it every couple of weeks etc. I use nutrium apple cider vinegar. Thanks
I have a hen who goes for several days with no eggs, then she will lay 2 rubber eggs in a day (she is the only one in the coop). The second egg may not even have the "rubber" around it, and just be yolk and white. Any ideas on a remedy? She gets oyster shell, egg shell, and organic layer feed.

hi I just wanted to check my second hen has just laid shelless egg at 5PM I know she has been showing signs of laying but this is her first time she is around 20 weeks old I believe this is quite common will sort itself out naturally my worry is the other 2 girls were tucking in to it like I do chocolate and by the time I saw it was to late as of yet the other Hen that has been laying for around a week ( normal shells ) none o them have touched the eggs will this still be the same?

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