Laying eggs but not sitting

I collect the eggs most of the season then let those that want to set have the last eggs in July. The hens take care of the brooding and the late chicks are much healthier under hens than in a brooder house.
Well, lucky me. I have another chicken hen that has gone broody and I put the latest 4 peahen eggs under her. She seems quite happy on top of those big eggs and is hunkered down for the duration. The other chicken hen that was sitting on her own eggs can now continue on with hatching out her chicks without interruption. Here's hoping it all plays out as planned. Thanks to all for the comments and advice. This is a great forum!
I collect the eggs most of the season then let those that want to set have the last eggs in July. The hens take care of the brooding and the late chicks are much healthier under hens than in a brooder house)

I love the fact that you use honey bee supers and brood boxes for peahen nests. I have a graveyard of supers that I can re-purpose - great idea.
If you get extra peacock eggs, I need a few to incubate. I have a beautiful blue male with blue and green feathering in need of a mate. He displays for our hen turkeys and chickens and the male turkeys gang up on him. I feel so bad that he does not have a mate, because he calls for one constantly every day. Everyone needs someone. I will pay for the eggs and shipping. I do not know where Lamont is? I live in SE Louisiana North of New Orleans.
If you get extra peacock eggs, I need a few to incubate. I have a beautiful blue male with blue and green feathering in need of a mate. He displays for our hen turkeys and chickens and the male turkeys gang up on him. I feel so bad that he does not have a mate, because he calls for one constantly every day. Everyone needs someone. I will pay for the eggs and shipping. I do not know where Lamont is? I live in SE Louisiana North of New Orleans.
If you get extra peacock eggs, I need a few to incubate. I have a beautiful blue male with blue and green feathering in need of a mate. He displays for our hen turkeys and chickens and the male turkeys gang up on him. I feel so bad that he does not have a mate, because he calls for one constantly every day. Everyone needs someone. I will pay for the eggs and shipping. I do not know where Lamont is? I live in SE Louisiana North of New Orleans.
If you get extra peacock eggs, I need a few to incubate. I have a beautiful blue male with blue and green feathering in need of a mate. He displays for our hen turkeys and chickens and the male turkeys gang up on him. I feel so bad that he does not have a mate, because he calls for one constantly every day. Everyone needs someone. I will pay for the eggs and shipping. I do not know where Lamont is? I live in SE Louisiana North of New Orleans.
If you get extra peacock eggs, I need a few to incubate. I have a beautiful blue male with blue and green feathering in need of a mate. He displays for our hen turkeys and chickens and the male turkeys gang up on him. I feel so bad that he does not have a mate, because he calls for one constantly every day. Everyone needs someone. I will pay for the eggs and shipping. I do not know where Lamont is? I live in SE Louisiana North of New Orleans.

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