Laying eggs in nesting box


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jun 6, 2012
We just adopted 3 chickens and 2 ducks from our neighbors so we are new to this chicken business. The chickens and ducks are currently free range and not laying yet (they should in about a month or so.) When they start laying is there anything I can do to encourage them to lay in their nesting boxes? I read online that it is common for free range chickens to lay in the yard, and I prefer them to lay in their nesting boxes. Sames with the ducks, any way to get them to lay in their hutch?

Welcome to BYC!

I usually lock mine in the coop until they know to lay in the boxes. After they have produced eggs for each day, then they can free range.

Also, fake eggs in the boxes help.

After a few months I don't need to keep them in in the mornings to lay b/c they know to come back to the coop to do so. Smart girls, so smart.

Good luck!

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