Laying eggs


In the Brooder
Jul 30, 2021
Heey guys ever since my duck started laying eggs she gets distant sometimes, and she also has a hard time laying the eggs, they’ll come out very soft and with barely any shell. I’ve had the yolk only comes out ones or the shell will look weird and soft like disformed, she is eating a lot of her pellets and occasionally want some lettuce
Female ducks need calcium for eggs. Soft shells are hard for a duck to lay. Are you providing oyster shells on the side or providing a layer feed.

You can give her calcium gluconate to help with soft eggs. You can get it at TSC. Here is info on using it:

Tums can also work in a pinch if you don't have easy access to calcium supplements.
Thank you so much!! This helps a lot! I’ll try and buy the calcium gluconate but for the Tums would I just dissolve 1 in some water or how would I use that?
Thank you so much!! This helps a lot! I’ll try and buy the calcium gluconate but for the Tums would I just dissolve 1 in some water or how would I use that?
You can crush one up and add it to feed or treats. Or try and dissolve it in water, but it doesn't dissolve super well. The tums and calcium gluconate are more of a temporary thing, to give them much needed calcium. So you will want to either provide oyster shells or layer feed for a more consistent source of calcium. Oyster shells are better since they can take as much as they need.

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