Laying Habits of Muscovies?

I'm in my duck house daily cleaning and yes, I do disturb the nests while cleaning. But there is always a fake egg in the nest. They don't seem to mind me being in there but I never let them see me take their eggs. I do it when they are away or not looking.

My Scovie girls lay in the duck house routinely and never lay outside of the duck house. I even have some of my girls that are on the lower pecking order that feel intimidated laying at night in the duck house so they come in during the day to lay their eggs.
Oh dear, if I chime in, I will so upset the apple cart! Mine are free-range, and lay in the evening, right after dinner! And we gather eggs every few days, and it doesn't affect the laying in the same place, NOR the brooding! Aunty Nuttin' lost her whole nest to flooding after a horrible storm here, and abandoned it for a few days, then went right back to the tree and started again! But she is my oldest girl, so maybe she is just set in her ways???

But to be honest, we are super-newbies who whave done everything wrong, so maybe she is just being patient with us!

Sybil and David
Hey, everyone!!

you are all lay chatting and my stupid muscovie wont lay a single egg, she's one year old now, i don't know if she is laying somewhere hidden in the property in middle morning or so but she should lay early before she get out :O
hope it will lay soon

Until my muscovies are established meaning 6 or more eggs in the nest, if I see them on the nest they well abandon it. I can not tell you how many times I have seen them and tried to carry on like I didn't see them, only to have them get up and change nest the next day.
Could this be why my Muscovy pair aren't building a nest and laying?
My Muscovy duck started her first nest in my chicken coop's nest boxes. I had no drake, so I took the eggs and had to kick her off the nest. I got her a boyfriend, and now she has a clutch of 14 in the top level of my stock trailer of all places... I sure hope it doesn't get too hot over the next month...

She was always the first lady to lay each day, and she was not happy when I saw her on that nest yesterday- so much so that she took 6 hours or so off and hung out in the pond until she thought I was fooled or something.
I have aMuscovy that layed eggs outside my house. She layed a total of 4 eggs. that was july1,2014. She is still sitting on them. What can I do for her. That seems too long.
Please help me.
Thanks, Brenda
Hi, I have a 6mo Muscovy started nesting under the duckhouse. I recovered the eggs with a broom handle and wired the hole. Now she is trying everything to dig under the duckhouse to lay. I have a box in the duckhouse but the Pekins have taken it over. Going to make another nest box soon and try. Any ideas? Thanks.
Hi, I have a 6mo Muscovy started nesting under the duckhouse. I recovered the eggs with a broom handle and wired the hole. Now she is trying everything to dig under the duckhouse to lay. I have a box in the duckhouse but the Pekins have taken it over. Going to make another nest box soon and try. Any ideas? Thanks.
Did you put the eggs inside the nest box the Pekins have taken over? Muscovy's like privacy so if there is any way to secure a piece of plywood up along a wall in their house and put some of her eggs in there she may take to it.
Eggs are in the fridge. I'll try to make a private space for her. There's plenty of room in the duckhouse. Thanks. I did turn over the wheel barrel and prop up with a block right where she was going under hoping she would just nest there. But she insist on trying get under again. Silly girl.
well I just checked and she used the nest box the pekins are using within the last hour so when my carpenter friend comes in a couple weeks we'll redo a section of the house with enough boxes for everyone.

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