Laying hens, when should I expect eggs??


8 Years
Dec 9, 2015
I have a Delaware hen that is now 24 weeks, 2 barred rock hens that are 23 weeks, and 4 Ameraucana hens that are 19 weeks, should I be expecting eggs soon? I'm getting kind of impatient at this point and want eggs!! Anyone have experience with these breeds and know when they usually start laying?

U should be getting eggs soon just wait maybe another week o do u seen any signs of them making nest checking out there nesting boxes often and pumping there rear end up and down those are some signs of them going to lay there first egg
They all go in to the nesting boxes but it has been at night so I think they are just sleeping. I'm not really sure, this is my first time trying to have my own chickens.
Do the hens have a roost? Is it higher than the nest boxes? I ask because chickens normally don't like to lay eggs where they poo... and they poo a lot in their sleep. They may not lay where you want them to if they are sleeping in the nest boxes, and if they do lay there you may end up with poop on the eggs.

Hens that are close to laying will start to get bright red combs and wattles. They will spend time during the day checking out nesting sites, and will begin to squat when there back end is touched. There pubic bones will also widen. a hen who is laying will have at least 2 finger spaces between the pubic bones.
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They have an area they can roost and another place they can sleep but they seem to chose the nesting boxes. I have checked their pelvic bones and they are 2-3 fingers apart and have been for a few weeks.
Have you attempted to train them to sleep on the roosts? The babies I raised had to be trained to not sleep in the nest boxes. After dark I would take the birds and set them on the roosts, as long as there wasn't a bright light on they would stay on the roosts until morning. It took about week and they had all figured out where to sleep. Then I had clean nest boxes.
Their roost area is about the same height as the nesting boxes and I don't think they all can fit. I see one or two on it during the day.
How big is your coop? Normally you need 4 sqft of coop per bird, 12" of roost space, and 10 sqft of run. Having less room will often lead to bad behaviors- bulling, feather picking, egg eating, and it will promote illnesses.

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