Laying how soon after egg squat?


12 Years
Oct 5, 2007
on average how soon after your hens squat for you will you get eggs? I got my first egg yesterday from my maran who has been squating for about a week is this normal? It seems here if you are a hen you either think I am your lover and seek me out and try and seduce me or you think I am going to make chicken stew out of your it is about half and half right now
. So when will I have more eggs then I can handle ?

Thanks Henry
My girls started laying about a week after they were squatting. Seems like their combs and wattles were bright red for a while longer - maybe 2 weeks before the first egg. I still get a kick out of collecting eggs - the girls have been laying since last Nov. Just a little more patience and you will have lots of eggs.
Thanks for the reassurance I can't wait to get home after school tommarow and see if I have eggs and if I have more then just the one maran laying.


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