Laying question


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 22, 2011
Isle of Wight County, VA
I have 5 BO's about 28 weeks old. All of their combs are nice and red and they squat when I walk around them. But only two of them are laying. They do free range and I check the yard for nests/eggs. What is the normal age range for laying?
Should be any time really..Just buy some eggs, threaten them that youll eat those instead of what they should be laying...that usually works...
28 weeks should be prime time, but the days are getting darker.

I'd suggest you keep them in the coop/run for a few days and see what your egg count is. Easter egg hunting with young pullets is tedious and confusing. Once the young hens totally master where to lay, they are somewhat less likely to go off site and build a clutch. First, find out if most are really laying.
My favorite hen is a BO and she was the first of my flock to lay (less than 20 weeks). It seems that yours should be laying by now but the days are getting shorter it may take longer. Be patient with them. I'm not convinced they are not hiding them from you. Keep watching them to see if they are going someplace you're not aware of. Let us know.
Thank you for your suggestions. I kept them in their coop/run for the last couple of days. Only two eggs still. It's funny, both hens that are laying will fight over the same nest. There is one hen that likes to lay in the morning and the other lays in the late afternoon/evening. If anything disturbs the morning layer, she gets fussy and struts all over the place screaming until she feels that she can go back to her nest.

They are such funny little creatures.
I have 2 BOs, 28 weeks. One of them was one of my first layers, like 2 months ago (go figure) but the other only started laying yesterday. They are late developers, I've read. Funny thing is, Buffy's been eating eggshells/oyster shell along with the rest of them for the last two months, but not laying. Her first egg is like a rock!

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