

7 Years
Oct 18, 2012
I have 3 chickens, 2 red star pullets, and a araucana (easter egger, i'm not sure on the breed) pullet. The store i got them from said they would start laying at about 20 weeks. It is now 24 weeks.

One of my red stars have a red comb and wattle and is squatting when i put my hand over her, her names Butter-Butt. Once this starts happening how long will it be before she starts to lay?

My other pullets (Buffi and Buttons) have red combs too (not as bright though) and they don't squat when i put my hand over them. When Butter-Butt starts laying will it encourage them to start too?

(I have a light timer for 14 hours of light, i let them go around in my backyard during the day which is full of bushes that they might be laying under)

I'll try to take some pics and post them later
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If Butter -Butt isn't laying she soon will be. Put fake egg or golf ball where you where to lay. And keep looking under those bushes, and any other place they might think to lay.

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