Lazy chicken or health issue

You could try giving food grade diotomaceus earth too. That'll kill some internal bugs. You would need something stronger for a parasite. I use corid when I see anyone fluffed out. Is she sleeping, or just laying down? Anyone have diarrhea?
I did buy some DE today. I checked her over thoroughly. Didn't see any parasites of any kind. But I did notice her right leg joint is swollen quite a bit. So now I'm thinking she isn't sick, just hurts to get up and follow the other girls or too much effort and pain to come for treats. She must have over used it or injured it somehow. I just started free ranging them a couple weeks ago while we are home in the afternoon/evenings and weekends. The 6 pullets are 12 and 17 weeks. I am adding vitamin/electrolytes to their water in the coop, run and yard. And started a dewormer as well, though poop looks normal. I will try baby aspirin tomorrow, no free ranging for a few days, maybe a cool Epsom salt soak, especially while its hot. And increasing her protein. She got her own bowl of yoghurt and huckleberries tonight before bed and loved it! She's getting lots of special attention and seems to enjoy my lap once she settles down. Thanks for the help all!
Watch it carefully for infection. We lost our lavender Orpington to an infection and she went downhill fast. If she starts to get more sleepy, call a vet, they may need to start her on antibiotics. Poor little thing.
Well, my limping Wyanndotte is a bit better. She holds her tail up some of the time instead of droopy or tucked like a scared dog. I am feeding her scrambled eggs with extra vitamins and a baby aspirin still in the evening. She acts very hungry. Wondering if she doesn't want to eat because its too much effort to go and stand at the feeder. So I sprinkled their grower feed in the run so she wouldn't have to go back up into the coop during the day. The soaks seem to help. Am putting a sulfa antibiotic in all their water. Sometimes she seems better, other days not. She does not act sick. Eats grass or whAtevef she is laying by. Appears just an injury. Hopefully time and extra nutritional support is what she needs.

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