Lazy cowboys need not apply

Strange is a understatement.I read best of craigslist just for kicks. THe old chinese lady that killed a chicken by slamming it against the bus, because she couldnt bring a live chicken on the bus is one of my strange favs.
First job I've seen worth appling for in a long time and just my luck they're discriminate against us fellers with just a little more wear.
Opa---you know you are still a cowboy hottie! Ta heck with their presumptuous crumbumidness!
The "Cave Creek" area of the Phoenix Metropolitan MESS is full of wealthy folks who could be termed "cowboy wanna-bees".

No self-respecting cowboy would go-to-work without his trusty dog! (It's a team effort!)

These folks are looking for a "Dude-Ranch Promoter".


I don't think it's sex discrimination. They said they have lots of women employees. Their just lookin' for cowboys that the women clients can drool over. So unless you fill out your jeans in the same places I fill mine out in you ain't likely to get hired.
I used to run a hotel/dude ranch up in CO (admin & finance only, the ranch hands did the REAL work) and I can tell you this: it is good for any hospitality company to have attractive employees-- men or women. People made reservations not knowing what the people looked like, but repeat customers liked the NICE young & pretty/handsome employees best. When we had groups of women come through, it didn't matter what the hands looked like: once the ladies got liquoured up, all men in jeans were targets.

This job looks like the cowboy would have to "smooze" with OTHER business people, not necessarily guests. They should be looking for 2 people, a sales man who can ride a horse, and a ranch hand who doesn't need to schmooze.
Just cuz I'm not willing to use toilet paper to stuff my pants like you....


I guess it's just me, but when I think of a ranch, I think of gnarled, weather-beaten elderly men who have seen hundreds of miles on horseback in all types of weather and every day of the year looking out for their boss' stock. Not some clean-shaven, Wrangler-wearing, pressed-shirt toting city boy who happened to look good in a tight pair of jeans.
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