Leaha, my dog...


8 Years
Jul 1, 2011
I have two dogs. Leaha is the younger one, she's a German Shepherd, bright, wonderful. I was gifted her right after my Mom died. She was the runt of the litter, so much so that she looked like a miniature breed, with the most beautiful face. She's turned into a lovely regal pal, lets the chickens 'have their way' with her, she and her sister (black lab) are tight. When she was nearly two, she was diagnosed with (quoting the seasoned vet) the 'worst severe hip dysplacia' she'd ever seen, the bone not even in the joint. She's also had cancerous growths removed, and the dr has warned that this will be something that will return. Just not sure when. We were givent the option of surgery to remove the leg, but that is too expensive, we have one child still at home and going to college. She does have medication to help with pain (she has a very high tolerance for this, and until two weeks ago, still climbed the stairs, still loved to rough house with her doggy sis) and give her the pain med whenever she seems to need it. But this afternoon/evening she's struggling. Went outside to go to the bathroom. I went to go into the garage and saw that she urinated on the cement, not grass, more than once, and that there was blood. Her nose is warm, and she is sleeping a lot, staying close to me. I called and made an appointment for tomorrow morning. Gave her more meds, gave her a warm bath in the tub to help relax her. I could have taken her in tonight, but know that they will have to run tests, and have a very bad feeling about this, that the results will not be good. I do not want her to suffer. I feel bad thinking that the quality of her life may depend on finances, and I frankly, love her dearly. But I do not want her to be in pain which cannot be lightened, to give her dignity.....

Thinking ahead, she and her dog sis are close. If it comes down to making THE decision tomorrow, how do you handle this with other animals that are closely linked? I know that sometimes they understand the truth of reality much more than humans, but need to process this by KNOWING that the other animal is no longer living. Any suggestions?
So sorry..

If shes suffering and in pain, then i would do right by her and let her go to sleep peacefully... being in pain is no kind of life for any living being.
I know its hard though...

About her dog sister,... I lost my Saint Bernard last winter and it was VERY hard for his "sister" Daisy Mae.(and of course for us also...). They did everythng together in life... ate, slept, played.. everything...
The night he was dying, she KNEW ...and i still kick myself for not "really" listening to her barking...
Anyways..after he passed, it was hard, she stayed up ALL night and barked and whined and paced....She must have been "calling" him. (which they both used to do any time they were seperated)
We took her into our bed and let her sleep with us for a long while, to help ease her.
She now sleeps back upstairs in the kitchen..(where they used to sleep together), but EVERY night we have a routine, about 9 p.m. i take her down stairs to our bedroom, and let her relax and hang out with me for a few hours until she falls asleep, then i bring her back upstairs to go potty and "night night"... and she sleeps the night through fine now...
So sorry you have to face this..
thats "only" a bladder infection. If it comes the hard way..............let her sis hang out with you so much you can. That will help her.
for you
I'm so very sorry. I have an older dog with mobility problems and there are just too many hard decisions to make.
My first thought about the blood in the urine is that it isn't connected to her other issue. It is more likely that she has a bladder infection, which is fairly straight-forward to treat.
we think it is a severe bladder infection which may have been worstened by her hip dysplacia. the vet was preparing to get a sample of urine when she peed on the floor....something she absolutely hates doing. normally she will wait all day at the vets until she is home and barely make it to the front yard grass before.flooding the neighborhood....and yes,she could clearly see.blood. treating her with two prescriptions and a big dose via needle.of the same. she also has an ear infection and had a growth removed from the back flank of her bad hip which is being biopsied. spoiled her with stew and meds hidden in it last niht althogh she was so drugged up, she was leaning on furniture.and staring wide eyed at the leaves on the backyard trees as if they were a new and wonderous creation...this morning I have already seen a remarkable change. still cant climb stairs, but her tail is wagging, she's doing her happy whine and nearly pushing me over trying to cuddle....

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