Leave a treadle feeder out?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 28, 2014
Wolfeboro, NH
I'm considering purchasing a granpas treadle feeder for our free ranging flock of 5 chickens. The reason is that we have many chipmunks and squirrels stealing the feed during the day. Currently we are bringing the trough in every night and replacing it in the morning. If we have a predator prof coop and run ( hardware clothed 100% underneath etc..) could we leave the treadle feeder out overnight WITHOUT attracking animals...ex..bears and coons? We have had at least two bears in our yard this year but so far they have not bothered the chicken coop as the dogs have barked and scared them off before they got that far. We would love to not have to lug a heavy feeder inside every night. Please let me know what your thoughts and experiences have been. Thanks!
I can't speak to your actual question regarding attracting bears and coons to the feeder, although I wouldn't expect that to be an issue. The main benefits of this feeder are keeping out rain, mice, rats, and wild birds. It does an amazing job at this!

Unfortunately I can tell you from experience that the Standard Grandpa's Feeder isn't likely to work for your squirrel problem! I have learned this the hard way and I would love to hear if anyone has a good solution to the problem! I think the Large size one would work, even though it sounds like overkill for the size of your flock.

I have one of the Standard Grandpa's Feeders and while I really like it, it does NOT keep squirrels out...maybe it will work for chipmunks--the issue is the weight of the thief! The treadle is designed to operate on a weight of 500gms. The Large Grandpas Feeder requires 900gms to open--maybe this will do the trick. The problem is that squirrels average 500gms (and the fatter they get, the easier time they have!), so they have no problems opening the treadle and stealing to their hearts' content.

My girls free range daily with their run and coop open; I keep the feeder in their run and the squirrels have discovered how to go through the coop to the run and open the feeder...the only solution I have found so far is feeding the squirrels at their own station on the other side of the property! Boo! Any suggestions are certainly welcome :) I found the folks at Grandpa's Feeder to be very helpful and responsive when I had a question previously, so I have been meaning to see if they have any input, but keep forgetting to ask them during business hours! You could ask them about your situation too :)

Good luck Specialk!
Thanks for the feedback,mo never considered the fact that our fat squirrels could trigger the treadle, I will look into the larger one..and reason it would be a bad idea with such a small flock? I'll check out the fermented feed info as well, thanks!
I don't think it would be a problem to have the larger feeder with a small flock; I only meant that it wouldn't be the one you would presume to choose and given the size and price it may appear to be overkill for your needs...but that doesn't take the squirrels into account!

Where I am, here in Florida, a larger feeder can also be a problem with food sitting too long out in the humidity...but that may not be any issue at all for you in NH :) Might still want to avoid filling it all the way just to keep it fresh and bug free, etc. The way the feeder closes does not create a seal, so bugs will still have access if they find it.

Also, I just re-read your post and I think I missed part of your original point--about your predator-proof run and enclosure--at first I read it as if you were wanting to leave it outside all the time for your free-ranging girls to access. IF you were keeping the chickens in the run all buttoned up, then of course the squirrels wouldn't be an issue. I currently have an arrangement like this--totally secure run and coop, except I open it up during the day when the girls can come and go as they like. Thus my problem with the squirrels.
I believe we have similar set ups as we leave the door open for them to come and go during the day. We would just leave the treadle in the run 24/7 as long as we we wouldn't be attracting predators. There is definitely a price difference between the two models..yikes! Our main issue thus far has been chipmunks, I've only seen a couple of squirrels a handful of times, I may try the smaller one and hope we have some dumb squirrels lol
Its perfectly safe for any size flock. I am feeding ff to only 6 chickens and they love the stuff. They take trips back the coop all day just to eat a few bite before heading back out again. I believe these are the healthiest chickens i have ever had. They are always running about wings extended like little kids. Its fun to watch.

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