Leaving Eggs In Turner For Hatch


9 Years
Feb 16, 2010
NE Ohio
Just wondering if anyone has experienced any problems by leaving the eggs right in the turner and unplugging it for hatch.
My last hatch was a disaster, starting with the lone chick pinging eggs all over the incubator....which got me (a first timer) nervous enough to open the incubator and start messing with things. Crash ended up being a lone chick.

I go into lockdown tomorrow and I would really like to have a good hatch this time.
I did that my last hatch. Ran out of time, so I just unplugged the turner. Aside from the mess of cleaning up the turner for the next hatch, I had the same success rate as the previous three hatches when I did remover the turner.
I hope not to have to do that again though. Cleaning the turner was not fun, and it still smells icky. Not looking forward to the smell when I start it up again in a few days for my next hatch.
I like to use the cardboard egg cartons available at TSC; they're like 10 for $3. I cut off the lid, and lid tab, then place the eggs in it in the same position as they were in the turner. After the hatch, I just throw the carton away. Makes clean up alot simpler.

Good luck.
Tried that this week when my hatch started early. A chick gots its leg stuck and screamed until we freed it, it still walks a bit funny. At that point we removed the turner entirely mid-hatch with pipping eggs in progress. If I had it to do over again, I'd remove the turner immediately to prevent broken legs and put all eggs in cartons.

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