Leg/Foot Injury


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 9, 2014
Surprise Arizona
Hello All,

My wife and I were on a weekend get away and when we returned one of our hens was acting strange. She is favoring one foot really bad . Three black spots appeared on her leg. Any help on IDing this would be greatly appreciated.




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Thanks for the response! That's what we thought at first too. Is this what the early stages look like. There doesn't seem to be any swelling and does that explain the multiple spots?
Multiple spots just means multiple bumblefoot. Their feet need a good warm epsom salts bath, 20-30 minutes, to give them some relief. There is a product that I just learned about called Magnapaste that some have had good results with. I personally have never used it. Do a search here at BYC on bumblefoot and you should come across that thread. I wish you all the very best!
Also, when she clucks there is a muffled sound that seems to be coming from her vent. Could this also just be from the infection from bumble foot?
Also, when she clucks there is a muffled sound that seems to be coming from her vent. Could this also just be from the infection from bumble foot?
Gosh, I don't have a clue! I highly doubt that it would have anything to do with the bumblefoot. Don't mean to laugh, but it almost sounds like she's passing gas maybe??
Hi there, I'm going to respectfully disagree... I don't think this is bumblefoot. Bumblefoot shows up with a typical thick scab that is covering up the staph infection (which causes the bumblefoot). On your photos, it looks like the scales are discolored-- NOT scabbed? Is this accurate?

I am not sure what would cause the discoloration in combination with the favoring of that foot-- perhaps someone can chime in with their experience.
Poor Betty! I am still pretty sure you are not experiencing bumblefoot. She seems to either not want to use that leg at all, or can not. As she is panting, it seems like it may be causing her pain/discomfort. Am I seeing it right that she won't/can't put any weight on that leg?

Can you gently check her leg starting at her hip to see if you feel any breaks, or swollen areas? If you are not sure if any given area feels 'normal' or not, you can always compare by feeling the leg of a healthy hen.

Here is a photo of a chicken skeleton to help you familiarize yourself with the anatomy:

Gently start at the hip (purple arrow) and go down her leg to see if you can feel any break or abnormal swelling where she may have injured herself.
Not all injuries can be felt this way, but it will give you a starting point.
Thanks for all the help thus far! I did check her leg yesterday and didn't really feel anything out of the ordinary. We continue to monitor her and check for changes periodically. As for the panting, it's probably two fold. Number 1 she does seem to be in pain unfortunately and number 2 we live in Phoenix and it is still getting pretty warm durning the day. I have both of the girls (Betty and Wilma) put up in the coop. I don't want Betty to think she has to go in the run with Wilma. Plus they just don't do well with out each other. I will keep everyone posted as time progresses. We will be looking for a vet that works with Chickens that way we can get Betty the care that she needs.

Thanks everyone!

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