Leg injury from incubator


Apr 14, 2020
Tryon, NC
An incubator at the stable where my friend keeps her horses had an earlier than expected hatch. The owner uses one of the tower type egg incubators worth water bottles on lines for humidity. This means there is water the bottom.

In visiting when I hear an urgent come help. My friend is holding a chick and pulled out 3 others that had hatched and drowned. It was ugly.

The surviving chick was also pulled out, soaking wet and stuck upside. We rookie away as the incubator had turkey eggs still turning. On the way to her place, we spotted and grabbed my brooder and feed, found a bulb and headed to set up a rescue for the little one and a remaining unhatched egg.

We realized the chick was injured. It was beyond wobbly. Only moving backwards, but able to stand for a bit. Over the next few days she tried hobbles without success. Legs are splayed.

I took the chick in at day 4. Yes, we have splayed legs, but we may also have more injuries. Please help with any info.

The chick eats, drinks, and poops.

What I have done so far:
Day 4: Vet tape hobble, rooster booster
Day 4/5: Sling, no pressure plus band aid hobble to keep get closer together. It was straddling a good bit.
Day 5: Left leg seems better. Right leg shoes minimal improvement, if any. It does not seem to bend correctly. Looks like there's an Ossie at the thigh joint.

I have wrapped the bird and it seems settled. But I can't keep it in a body cast forever.

Tips, timing, positioning, anything would help. 🤞 We're not ready to give up on this little one, just yet.


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You are doing wonderfully!!

Make sure whatever rooster booster you're giving them has Vitamin E and the B's or B-complex. It should. If not, Poultry Cell (rooster booster) is very complete. That'll help their muscles and give them strength.

I hope they get strong and healthy! Keep up the good work!!

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