Leg problem/ Feather Problem


In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 6, 2014
So I have a chicken that is limping. Her left leg is not broken no signs of bumblefoot but it is swollen and warm. She is missing feathers off her abdomen and up under her wing to her breast. She is separated from the others since last Saturday cause I was afraid they were picking on her because she was limping. I am attaching pictures of her and then tonight this is the poop I found in the box she is in. I'm wondering of this is something tell take cause I don't think it's normal poo. That photo is attached too. She is eating and drinking. She is a 26 week old barred rock hen. I don't know how to check if she is egg bound but I know this left leg is a problem. There is no sign of bumble foot, no sign of lice or mites. Have put bag balm on her skin and dusted her, also put the De in her food.


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The green poo could be from eating a lot of greens. Could also be worms... Apparently it could also be a sign of an E.coli infection, even kidney and liver failure ( don't panic just something i read, and may have miss understood )
If she is egg bound you can probably feel an egg if you press around on her "tummy" and down toward the vent. But from what I've read egg bound hens usually have runny white poops or even none at all. Also her vent may look sore if egg bound. Has it been awhile sense she laid?
Are the feathers missing on the same side as the bad leg? Could it be sprain?
Just my thoughts and some reading I've done.
Good luck
everything is on her left side. She hasn't had many greens I have been sticking to her layer food for the protein to heal. She did have a bit of watermelon but that was on Sunday so that should already have been through her system. If it is worms do I put more DE in her food? I am really concerned about the leg and the feathers missing. I want to be able to move her back and with the missing feathers now I am afraid she is going to get too cold. She is in the garage but the temps at night are in the 40's. I don't know when the last time she laid an egg was or if she ever started. I have only 5 hens and the one rooster. Right now in the coop the other 4 are laying an egg a day and she hasn't laid one in her box at all. I don't know if the other hens were picking on her because of the fact that she was limping and that is why they were missing or not. Now I am afraid of if she does get better are the rest going to accept her back?
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I think they'll except her but it could take some time try to do it progressively ( put her in a pet carrier in the coop when she first goes back for a bit) I would think they picked her one that side partly to investigate, maybe she even picked her self a bit too, could be a lot of things though. As far as I know the feathers won't come back until after she moults( don't quote me on that) Don't worry about her being cold as long as she's not in a drafty or windy spot, her wing covers a lot of that bald spot. Sorry back tracking, you dusted her, was that for mites etc? The leg, any bugs there? Sorry I don't know about DE.
I didn't see any mites or bugs. But I did use the DE on her and the rest of the birds just in case there were. I had read about DE for this purpose so I used that.

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