Legbar or not?


In the Brooder
Nov 26, 2015
The chicky is a little over 2 weeks old. Recently I stumbled upon a picture of cream legbar chicks and thought my chick looked really similar. However, from what I know, legbars have yellow legs, wheras this chick has greyish ones. Also, can anyone confirm if its a pullet? I think it is, but would rather get affirmation :)

Sorry for the blurry pics. Also, I know it's not easy to tell what colour its feet are. I apologise for that :/

Sorry! I forgot to mention that the egg it hatched from was a light peachy colour, not at all like the light blue eggs Legbars lay.
Your bird is most likely a mixed breed bird. I'm not sure how you were thinking it could be a Legbar if it didn't come from a blue egg?

The chipmunk stripe is the most common chick down coloring. So many breeds start out that way it's hard to narrow things down until they get their first set of real feathers.
I'm sorry. I have no knowledge about chicken breeds, and this is my first time raising chickens. My comments weren't very wise. Thank you very much.
Could be a dorking mix as well. They have 5 toes as a breed trait, but it it's a mix, that may not be the case
I'm sorry. I have no knowledge about chicken breeds, and this is my first time raising chickens. My comments weren't very wise. Thank you very much.

Hon, don't apologize. I may have come off a bit harsh, and I'm sorry. I just don't understand how folks think they can get a pure bred animal of any species when both the parents aren't that same breed. It's a universal thing---dogs, horses, chickens, whatever. For the offspring to be a specific breed, both parents have to be that same breed.
All points tell me it's an easter egger or other mix. Because of their mixed heritage these girls can be really productive as they tend to have less recessive traits than pure bred hens.

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