Leghorn Ancona Cross


9 Years
Oct 29, 2014
If you cross Ancona Rooster with Leghorn hens and vice versa "Leghorn Rooster with Ancona hens", What would you get?. I am planning to do that next time, I want black and white hens that lay white eggs
I’m not a geneticist but I’ve been researching white leghorn crosses because I have a WL rooster. From what what I’ve read, the white in the leghorn is dominant so it doesn’t matter what you cross it with the chicks will be white with maybe some ghosting or small patches of color. If you cross the chicks back to the Ancona roo then you’ll probably get what your looking for in color.
You should get a good increase in egg production with that cross simply because your adding leghorn genes. I’d love to here others opinions on this also as I’m still learning and just passing on what I think I’ve learned so far.
Yeah, if you cross them you will get what look and act like paint/erminette Leghorns. (I believe exchequer are actually mottled like Anconas, which isn’t the same thing.)
They will be mostly white with a few black markings and will lay white eggs.
You would get the exact same results with a black Leghorn, but given their availability and the fact that hatchery Anconas and Leghorns are exactly the same I can understand why you would rather make the cross.
You are right but I mean other patterns of black and white, besides ancona eggs are smaller, I am hopping for better egg laying than ancona
How did this pan out for you? I plan to do the same this spring. I have a cream legbar roo I was thinking of playing around with as well.
I’m not a geneticist but I’ve been researching white leghorn crosses because I have a WL rooster. From what what I’ve read, the white in the leghorn is dominant so it doesn’t matter what you cross it with the chicks will be white with maybe some ghosting or small patches of color. If you cross the chicks back to the Ancona roo then you’ll probably get what your looking for in color.
You should get a good increase in egg production with that cross simply because your adding leghorn genes. I’d love to here others opinions on this also as I’m still learning and just passing on what I think I’ve learned so far.

I have the Leghorn eggs to hatch out on the 13th, going to see that goes?


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