Leghorn Mystery Hatch- whose your daddy??


10 Years
May 21, 2012
Stoneville, NC
So today we found a brown leghorn hen who went broody (really!?) and hatched out 9 chicks up in our barn. I have 2 roosters - a cream legbar and a lemon cuckoo Orpington. These babies are black! How on earth is this possible. Does anyone know leghorn genetics or how this could happen? I though leghorns were NOT broody at all. I also thought we had everyone laying in the coop 🤷🏼‍♀️

We found the nest and the eggs are a light brown - not white like leghorn eggs should be. We are so totally confused and wonder what in the heck we have hatched here.

I rounded everyone up and put them in the mama/baby coop so they will be safe. Any help on who the daddy could be would be appreciated.


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So today we found a brown leghorn hen who went broody (really!?) and hatched out 9 chicks up in our barn. I have 2 roosters - a cream legbar and a lemon cuckoo Orpington. These babies are black! How on earth is this possible. Does anyone know leghorn genetics or how this could happen? I though leghorns were NOT broody at all. I also thought we had everyone laying in the coop 🤷🏼‍♀️
We found the nest and the eggs are a light brown - not white like leghorn eggs should be. We are so totally confused and wonder what in the heck we have hatched here.

I rounded everyone up and put them in the mama/baby coop so they will be safe. Any help on who the daddy could be would be appreciated.
She is not a leghorn. They have white ear lobes.

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