leghorn sick?


5 Years
Dec 9, 2016
i have a leghorn that has quit laying eggs.for about 2 months.we moved from florida to pa and about a week before leaving she had quit laying for no reason.food is the same,treats the same.while the site was upgrading ,i had noticed she was having green runs,comb tips went black..do not see worms in the runs.seperated her from others and gave all of them wazine and probios.i have a delaware rooster,2 rocks and 2 reds that are in perfect condition.very stumped..any help is appreciated
Here are some answers to the green diarrhea
Chicken diarrhea can be caused by bacteria, fungus or virus present in the digestive tract. Certain levels of bacteria in the digestive tract are normal, but too much can cause symptoms similar to food poisoning in humans.
Taking a sample of the droppings to your local poultry vet can result in knowing specifically what small organisms or parasites you may be dealing with. Guessing and medicating can lose precious time. The right diagnosis and treatment might actually save a chicken’s life, if done in time.

Chicken diarrhea can be spotted in two ways. Unformed droppings on the ground and dirty feathers below and around the vent, if you watch for it you will be able to tell which chicken or chickens have a problem.

A chicken acting unwell with diarrhea should be separated from the flock. Sometimes it’s best to treat the whole flock, depending on the problem. The dirty feathers should be cleaned or trimmed to prevent build up.

In warm weather the collection of droppings may invite flies to lay eggs, causing maggots which can be a further problem. Built up droppings around the vent can block feces or eggs from being passed, threatening a chicken’s life.

Probiotics may help with some diarrhea symptoms. Diarrhea can be caused by an imbalance or lack of good digestive bacteria, allowing food to pass through partially digested, sometimes completely undigested.

Chicken diarrhea should be treated quickly with the right medication or supplement. Your vet might recommend a human product and give you the right chicken dose.

Not all human medications or other animal medications are safe for chickens. Most feed stores carry probiotic products. This is a safe and natural treatment, that should have no bad side effects, when directions are followed.
Glenda L Heywood Cassville Missouri

Probiotics alone are meant to re-balance the digestive tract, but antibiotics, antifungals, antivirals or deworming may be needed as well. Injected antibiotics can be more efficient and less trouble since they don’t move through the digestive tract.

Oral or injected antibiotics can still kill off good bacteria needed for complete digestion. If you’ve treated chickens with antibiotics you should follow up with probiotics.

Products like electrolytes, even Gatorade, can help restore hydration and vitamin/mineral balance lost while a chicken has diarrhea. Chronic diarrhea leaves a chicken sick and weak.

Chicken diarrhea can cause dehydration and malnutrition, along with other symptoms of disease, so this is not something to be ignored. If intestinal parasites are present, robbing vital nutrients from the chicken’s digestive tract, it can lead to weakness and possibly death, if allowed to go on too long.

Diarrhea that lasts a day or two may just be the result of a sudden change in feeding and watering habits. Keeping chicken water supplies clean is important. Chickens eating dry feeds often rinse feed still in and on their beak into drinking water.

In warm temperatures bacteria may form in the water if containers are not thoroughly cleaned often, and cause digestive problems. Healthy chickens are hearty and can process low levels of bacteria, but feeding spoiled moldy foods should never be done and allowing chickens to scratch through compost with rotten food is dangerous.
Glenda L Heywood Cassville Missoui
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I have used my WET MASH PROBIOTIC RECIPE for this kind of sick chicken
For this problem I recommend my wet mash probiotic with yoguart be given.
I prefer to use the wet mash probiotic that includes chicken feed, yoguart and milk with applesauce
because chickens will eat the yoguart completely in the wet mash where as some chickens will not just eat yoguart and it gets on their beaks, of which then they throw it away when cleaning the beaks
as you will notice if standing too close to them eating the yoguart

So read on down where I give the recipe
some advice for helping the chicken get over the green diarrhea ad black comb.

I would suggest and advanced case of E.coli.

With all that is noted here is some good help that I have found to work for the health of the chicken

you mention behavior that denotes she has a gut problem

So here is what I would do at this time to help her get to feeling better

This is for single bird and I would isolate hr so you know what he is eating
if you do not have a rabbit cage you can put her in the garage in a dog carrier till she is better
I would start with the Vit E and Vit B complex and selenium with wet mash

A) chickens do get some upset in the gut with E.coli and then it goes to a nervous disorder
natural probiotic wet mash with Vit E and Vit B complex and selenium added immediately
basically the chicken has some stomach disorder from the E.coli do this immediately
need neurolodigal vit E and Vit B complex and selenium for E.coli and
Also the apple cider vineager in water

(1) 2 tbsp acv per gallon of water till chickens are well and then 2 times a week for life
for one chicken use 1 tbsp of ACV
1 pint of water

(2 immediately give the chicken 1000 mg capsule of liquid Vit E by cutting the end of the capsule and taking the vit E liquid and mix in wet mash probiotic

(2-B) total amt of capsules equals the total amt of chickens fed vit's multiply amt of recipe times amt of chickens fed it and the amt of vit's times amt of chickens given them

(3 also need to crush a vit B complex pill in tabsp and add tsp of water to it
put it in the chickens wet mash after it is disolved Do the same with th selenium tablet

(3-C) then give this to the chicken twice a week for two weeks should see much improvement

after the chicken has eaten the wet mash probiotic clean wet feeder and restock dry crumble feed.

(4 Do the three Vit's twice today then for 7 days till you see some improvement in the chicken

(5 today I would see if the chicken will eat a wet mash with the Vitamins E and B complex and selenium

natural probiotic wet mash
2 tbp of dry crumbles
1 tbsp flax seed meal (the kind people take)
3 tbp of milk sweet, sour or buttermilk
1 tbsp of non flavored yogurt
2 tbsp of apple sauce
put it on top so the chicken can smell and see it
mix good and put the
vit E liquid as directed in the wet mash
and crumble the Vit B complex tablet in a tabsp and add to the wet mash
Crush the selenium tablet alo add to t mash

(6 Do this twice a day for 7 days to see if the chicken is better
then do this once a day for another week then once a week for a while
this should give the nervous system some stability and cure the bad E.coli in the gut
(6-A) they should clean it up in 20-30 minutes
this will help them get good gut flora
also put 2 tbsp of ACV in gallon of water and keep giving them this water for a week straight
then give it 3-5 times a week for life
multiply the amt times the amount of chickens being fed the wet mash probiotic recipe without the vitamins once or twice a week.
Glenda Heywood Cassville Missouri
Welcome To BYC

Do you feel any swelling/bloat in the abdomen?
Is her crop emptying overnight?

It's so hard to know what's going on. Since she stopped laying she may have some type of reproductive disorder like Egg Yolk Peritonitis, Ascites, cancer or tumors. Some symptoms include going off feed, lethargy, lameness, difficulty breathing (comb turning purple/black, panting) and sometimes standing with the tail down.

Green poop can be an indication of not eating (starvation), bacterial infection and sometimes worms. If you have a vet that can perform a fecal float and gram stain to rule these out, that would be a good idea.

Do the best you can to keep her hydrated. Poultry vitamins and some extra protein may help give her a boost.

Keep us posted.
the leghorn is doing better.her droppings are normal and her comb is nice and red .still no eggs.i had given her the wazine,then the probios ,yogurt and vitamin e.thank everyone that responded to post.ty

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