Legitimate fear or all in my head?????

Fear originates and manifests in our heads, whether psychological or physiological. Not only are they shaped by our experiences, but perpetuated by the synapic paths those experiences pave...including chemical release; be it pleasurable or frightful. In time our reactions become reflexive, and the autonomic responses elicited by fears can cause honest medical emergencies (cardiac, hyperventilation, fainting, etc).
So yes, its in your head, but
No, you may have minimal personal control no matter how much you might tell yourself it should be otherwise.
Im really really afraid of bees
Im allergic to them too so thats prolly what started it. I was in an accident in August and broke my arm really badly and dislocated my shoulder and will now only have 50% use of my arm for the rest of my life all because a bee landed on me
I agree. I have semi-gotten over my fear of bridges; not afraid of low bridges - have traveled over Florida's 7 mile bridge a zillion times - only the ones that go up and over water.
What has really helped me get over this fear is having a DH that is understanding and supportive of my fear, instead of mocking me for it like my biological family does.
I agree. I have semi-gotten over my fear of bridges; not afraid of low bridges - have traveled over Florida's 7 mile bridge a zillion times - only the ones that go up and over water.
What has really helped me get over this fear is having a DH that is understanding and supportive of my fear, instead of mocking me for it like my biological family does.

Hmmm......I looked through all the black Friday ads and didn't see anything stating 'supporitive and understanding'.....for sale.

Anyone know where I can get that?????
Plenty have already chimed in... but if anyone cares for a funny take on it...

My hubby's got no problem shovelling a dead possum, laughed at me when I flipped at the sight of a rat in our garage...

And yet, he whigs over a waterbug (2" roaches that fly during mating season)...
-note, not that I don't those buggers are CREEPY and they fly AT you *shudder*-

Picture this.... 3am and there's a noise... it's a bug crawling on a bit of paper (sounds like a freakin' elephant)
My hubby in his boxers with a steel toed boot... hunting and at the same time totally whigged...

If it were a spider he'd just hunker down and smack it, but NOooo it's THIS particular bug...
So, every time he strikes downward his feet go up (in case it runs at him)

It's the funniest hoppiest hunt I've ever seen... really hard to describe but if you've got a good imagination...
Kinda reminds me of a Guinea Pig popcorning it's Sooo spastic...

Anywho, fear is all relative... do you have any idea how many people are terrified of birds, chickens in particular...
You're amazingly brave (or suicidal depending on the depth of their fear) for what you do every day.
Tell me about it... I'm keeping the smoke alarm people in business....
Fires, home invasions, kidnappings, roll-overs, you name it, it's worried me today.

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