Lemon pyle coloring

I'd forgotten the birds in the first pic were not from the 'Chirpy Chickens' site.
I'd noticed that lighter coloured female at the top too. I got distracted by not being able to see the males breast.
My first thought was that it was the difference between dominant white & splash for the white parts????? Then I forgot about it when I could see the birds lose up at Chripy chickens.
I'm not well up on Brahmas. Blue partridge & 'lemon pyle' were around before I left UK. Prior to this thread I had thought the 'lemon pyles' to be splash partridge.

If just going for making the 'lemon pyle' personally I shouldn't have gone through making a blue partridge first but would have just introduced the blue into buff columbian.

I made my blue partridge orps using a blue Orp(because that's what I had) & cochin. They're taking longer than I anticipated. Quite apart from the fun leg colour issues, I also ran into the Ml & have difficulty telling whether the males are homozygous Pg.

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