Leo had another seizure


Squeaky Wheel
11 Years
Feb 11, 2008
Waterloo, Nebraska
My dog, Leo had another grand mal seizure last night. He was seizure free for 88 days. The poor baby. Just when we thought he was doing so well. The convulsions were worse this time too. The neurologist said seizure free forever would be unlikely, but we were hoping.
I work in the vet business and know how hard this can be on owners. just remember- you can still have a happy dog with this condition. the object is to reduce the number of them- you are doing a great job if he has seen a neurologist! best of luck!
Awwwwww.....poor baby! That just breaks my heart! Wish you all the best!!! Did he recover okay from it?
M@M@2four :

Awwwwww.....poor baby! That just breaks my heart! Wish you all the best!!! Did he recover okay from it?

Yes, his recovery was pretty good. We put an ice pack on his back just in front of his tail during the seizure. That keeps his temperature from skyrocketing. Before we learned hat trick he would wake up temporarily blind and confused. With the ice pack he can see as soon as he comes out of it and seems to know where he is and who we are. Leo seemed fine this morning. Thanks for the hugs.​
Yes, he has seen a neurologist. I know he is happy most of the time. I just worry that the condition will get worse. Leo has adult onset hydrocephalus. Who knows what caused it. I suspect it was his distemper shot in the beginning of the year, but it can never be proven or disproven. Thankfully, Leo has doggie health insurance. After December 31st his seizures won't be covered any more, but the vet says all of the expensive diagnostic stuff will be over by then. The meds are cheap. It's the tests that break the bank.

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