Leon Valley Eggs on Ebay?

I received a second shipment this week, all were fine. Cannot imagine how one could break with her packaging- maybe it was a weak egg to begin with.
That's the thinking behind sending extras... if one or two break, you still will have the number of eggs you paid for (and usually more).

It's a bummer when an egg or two break during shipment, but you got to remember, no matter how well you pack them, they're still eggs!
I got some mille fleur eggs from them early this year the 2 I was able to hatch are gorgeous thelma and louise. I suck at hatching eggs.
I just orders some mille fleur from them too I should get them this week.

I was a little disappointed when I candled the bunch that had the one broken and all but 6 were unfertile. I had like 16 eggs.
I hope those 6 hatch.

My polish from Leon-4 candled at 7 days, 4 moving bodies and veins. Karen
added, 4 candled at 11 days and still good to go. Karen
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The GLW eggs I bought from Leon Trading Company have hatched! I posted some pics of the new momma and her chicks here (she was broody, so I used her to incubate the eggs):


Out of the 9 GLW eggs I have ordered, I had 2 yolkers (non-starters), one quitter, and 6 hatchers! That is around a 66% hatch rate, which is excellent for shipped eggs! I'm very pleased!

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