Let Me tell you My story


11 Years
Nov 17, 2008
Some of you are not going to believe this , But only the ones that truely believe will . A few years ago I fell and broke my leg just above my knee ,I had to have surgery to repair it ,and I had never met the Dr. repairing my leg, so when he came in the operateing room ,when he saw me ,he said this woman is to young to have broke her leg like this ,so he ordered test to see if I have bone cancer ,But nobody told me ,when he got in and started fixing my leg he saw that I did not have bone cancer but he forgot to with draw the test, so for days they did all kinds of test on me ,I just thought this is how they do you when you are in the hospital ,About three days later another Dr. came to my room and said you have lung cancer and he left. My family came and we were all crying and I heard this voice comeing from behind me and it said WHY ARE YOU CRYING EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE OK .I thought did I hear something and it said it again then I knew that it was God talking to me,shorlty after that I started talking cemo and radation,I took Rad.for 30 days and cemo for nine months .My hair came out I couldn't eat and one day I prayed Lord I know that you said everything would be ok ,But could you please send me a sign and let me know if that was really you that I heard,And the very next day my son and his wife came over to tell me that she was going to have a baby ,I knew that was my sign ,That was 10 years ago, my little GS is nine now and I call him my little sign boy.Some of you here may not beleive in God ,but let me tell you that he is real.

Thank you for sharing your testimony.

Humbley a fellow sister in Christ,
I believe in God and I believe your wonderful story of inspiration. I have had a few times too when He touched my life and there was no mistaking it for anything else.

Miracles DO happen.........and thank you so much for such a heartfelt contribution.

It's the right season for this story.........Thanks for sharing Cackel.

I'm glad you shared that. I belive in God with every ounce of my being. I've had to many miracles happen to me and my family over the last few months. I can honestly say he does heal and he does answer prayers.

Your brother in Christ,
That is an inspiring story! Thank you for sharing!!

I too believe that God speaks to us all the time in ways we least expect it we just have to be humble enough to hear Him.

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