Let the feed store do it, or buy an incubator?


Internally Deranged
10 Years
May 2, 2009
Desert, CA
The feed store down the road has a sign that they will incubuate eggs for you. Right now we're in city limits (hoping to fix that in a year or two) but untill then I'm limited to 5 hens. I'd like an Easter Egger or 2 for this spring. Eventually I'd like a larger flock, and to add turkeys, quail, muscovies, and geese, but that's in a year or 2. Should I ask for an incubator for mothers day, or ask for hatching eggs? I was thinking if I hatched them, I would keep a few and rehome the bulk, once I figured out who the girls are.
I think I'd ask for the incubator. Hatching eggs is lots of fun. You will get hooked, I'm telling ya! Lots of people on here will say the same. Try it, I bet you'll be so glad you did.
You are probably eventually going to want an incubator to get the breeds you want. But with your present limitations, you might be better off buying some chicks from a local source, or http://www.mypetchicken.com/ or another hatchery that sells smaller quantities. Rehoming is not always easy and you do not give your location. Might look into how well that works locally. Many here have to give away excess roos, and do well to find people who will take them. Helps if you do not have a problem with eating them; your choice, of course.
b.hromada :

I think I'd ask for the incubator. Hatching eggs is lots of fun. You will get hooked, I'm telling ya! Lots of people on here will say the same. Try it, I bet you'll be so glad you did.

It's AWESOME!! And I'm only on day 5! I'm already building a hatcher, and ordering more eggs!! I think I need to be institutionalized!​
No, no issues in eating males, but I'm worried that I'll get "caught" over quota on girds during the grow out.
could always explain that u are going to sell them when they are bigger they might let u do that ?
Yeah Incubator ...they store easily.... I think .......... I put mine away and now more eggs are on the way I have to get it back out it has been put away for 5 days. Once it gets started ......

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