Let the smiting continue? :D

Hopefully it shall live again!
And not be a zombie thread....
i'm still kickin around, got chickens and pigs, and ducks again, and getting quail and turkeys going. Same old, cept I'm divorced now. Kids are grown and moved out. I'm just gettin older :D How about you?
Awww, you have nammies. :) I have my pony still and I am down to two chickens only. I'm still working as a lunch lady, not sure if you ever knew that. Its busy but I enjoy all the students. I have 3 grandchildren now, so cute and sweet. Last Dec one of my son's house was flooded, so he has been busy getting repairs done, slow going, but nearly done now! And yea, I'm getting older, too, but that is better than not getting older. I once said to my dr, I didn't want to get old and he said, well, what's the alternative? So I just get older. lol
Yeah I got a close up of the alternative today...my neighbor passed, who is also my Ex's uncle. I had to notify family :( Apparently this happened a week or better ago...and they just found him this morning. I'm highly upset he was found in that condition. He was a terrific old guy, would talk your ears off, and very genuine and likeable, very well educated...he was a blessing, and loved to work. 77 years didn't slow him down neither! I had heard he was away working or I would have been over to check on him. I have cried about half the day, and gotten nothing done really since. I called my ex this morning around 9:30 to tell him I thought someone who didn't belong there was over there snooping around, to call his mother and find out what's going on. I heard mens voices while i was out working on my chicken tractor, but not his uncles voice, and figured someone was stealing..he has a lot of expensive equipment. He had been working out of town the last I heard about 4 weeks ago. About 20 minutes later the sheriff pulled into my drive, I assumed to ask if I'd seen anyone snooping around over there...unfortunately that wasn't what he wanted :/ A coworker friend had come to pick him up for his flight back out of town to work. He had obviously been back a few weeks though. Ugh...just saddens me. That is why I try to check on my family often, you just never know, and they deserve to know someone cares, even if it bugs the crap out of them! So, I just had to rant a little bit...I'm struggling with this pretty badly. And then after all that......I found out my ex's other uncle passed away this morning about 7 a.m. too, and his aunt still doesn't know because she was in surgery at the time he passed and has still not come around from the anesthesia from her surgery....soooooo.....today has been hard. *sigh*
Oh my, what a rough day. My arms and heart go out to you. A couple years ago or so, I had found my neighbor passed in her home. It was a horrible thing, I still cry at times. I hadn't talked to her for a couple weeks. I had been going up there every weekend and we would help her at times. She was so nice and had been my neighbor for 30+ years. I noticed I hadn't seen her drive down hill for a couple days. I put my phone in my pocket and walked up there early in the morning. I suspected but didn't really want to find that. It was hard, notifying her only sister in Switzerland.
This reminds me, I need to email her, its been awhile again.
My peace be with you. hugs
Thank you so much for the kind words. That means a lot.

Today has been much better thus far. I hope my post just reminds everyone to check on their loved ones who live alone. It is sad to know he laid there for days without anyone knowing he was gone.
Hi loohoo! Gosh, I can't believe a couple months have gone by already. I think of you. How are you? I am working a summer session now. Feeding about 35 students. Huge change from over 500! Have a great day!

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