Lethargic Bantam Chicken


In the Brooder
Jan 21, 2018
My chicken is very lethargic, and is in a hunched position with tail and head down. Comb seems to be a good color. She is not eating, drinking or pooping. I have given her calcium 2x and a Epsom salt bath 2x and she is not better.


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Apple sider vinegar would help mix it with water and give to her with an eye dropper
Ok, what ratio? How much and how often do i give it to her. She hasn't really moved all day, so I am willing to try anything. I just am not sure how much vinegar to water to mix it and how much to give her at one time and how often.

Thank you!!!
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Hey TonyaD I am sorry your little girl is unwell :(

I am definitely not an expert when it comes to what ails chickens but I have a few things you might want to check/answer while we wait for someone more experienced to chime in.

First up .. any signs of lice or mites?

Is she pooping? How do they look? Normal? Runny? What colour?

How old is she? Has she started laying? If yes, when did she last lay? [Thinking egg bound or EYP] Check her abdomen/vent area to feel for a possibly stuck egg.

How does her crop feel? Full? Empty? [Thinking sour or impacted crop]

How long has she been like this?

Did the symptoms come on quickly or gradually?

Has she been wormed?

What are her accommodations like? Flock mates? Bedding material? Etc

What is her usual diet and is she eating and drinking now? I am guessing she is not because she does not look very well in your picture :(
No signs of lice or mites.
When i found her this morning she was hunched just like the picture and had a very clear with a little white string looking poop. This afternoon after her 2nd bath i felt something squishy near her vent, i massaged it and got some of the same looking stuff out , assuming its poop.
She is about 4years old.... she does normally lay. I did check her and i dont feel anything close to her vent, I do however feel something lower right behind her ribs on her left side by her leg.
Her crop isnt hard, but feels like there are pebbles in it. She hasnt eaten anything all day though.
I am not sure how long as i was gone yesterday and found her this morning.
Her symptoms havent changed all day. I brought her inside so i can monitor her.
She has never been wormed.
She has 10 other hens in the coop, i use pine shaving, feed a layer feed and scratch grains. They do free range though.
I'm a bit confused as to whether the mass you feel is on the left or on the right side of this hen's abdomen. As you are looking at her vent, which side?

With the little information you've provided, it does sound like an issue with the oviduct. Whether it's inflammation, blockage, or something even more serious such as a tumor is something only a vet's exam may be able to determine. If you have access to an avian vet, this is a very good time to call them.

Meanwhile, do what @casportpony suggests and keep her warm. I suggest a heating pad. She should be given fluids to keep her hydrated. Her "pebbly" crop suggests she may already be dehydrated.
hunched just like the picture and had a very clear with a little white string looking poop.
i felt something squishy near her vent, i massaged it and got some of the same looking stuff out , assuming its poop.
I do however feel something lower right behind her ribs on her left side by her leg.

How is she doing?
Photos of the poop?

I agree with @azygous if you have a vet, that is always best. Also clarification of where you are feeling the "something" may give us a clue.

It's concerning that she is not pooping very well. With her age and hunched up appearance, I tend to lean with the others that she may be having some reproductive problems. When you gave her a soak, did you happen to insert a lubricated finger inside the vent (about 1") to see if there might be an egg in there?

Keeping her hydrated is important, so do the best you can with that. If you have any poultry nutri-drench, direct dose her at 1cc per 3lbs of weight.

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