lethargic chick 2 wks old, help me figure out what to do!

I’ve read about adding a bit of acv to water for the antibacterial properties. Some say it will perk a chick up. I’ve given avc to chicks but not as a remedy, only as a supplement to healthy chicks. The ratio is a teaspoon to a gallon of water—well diluted. I would hesitate to give her too many remedies in a day but it might be worth a try if you suspect she’s got heightened bacteria count...
It might be a pain but, fresh bedding and get some warm soapy water to those feeders/waterer a little more frequently. It might help her fight it off and help prevent spreading. Good luck - we hope she pulls through!
Thank you very much for the idea, and providing the ratio! I think perhaps I will try ACV tomorrow. I did give everything a big scrub this morning and changed all of the bedding. Have also been cleaning the waterer throughout the day. Thanks also for the good thoughts. Fingers crossed.
I want to update everyone and say THANK YOU! again for your suggestions. After eating quite a bit of chick grit and having a little buttermilk twice last night, my EE chick seemed a little more comfortable. This morning, she seemed a LOT more comfortable. She’s up and walking around more. Still resting plenty, too, but it’s obvious that she is feeling better- she seems steadier and her breathing isn’t as labored. I gave her a bit more buttermilk this morning and have watched her at the feeder more than I’ve seen in the last couple days. I will keep monitoring her but I’m happy to say it seems like she may be on the mend!
Great to hear! Just want to say, provide plain fresh water as well. Sometimes they don't like the taste of ACV and won't drink as much as they should/need.

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