Lethargic chicken

Hadia Zahoor 118

Jun 9, 2019
So I have a male broiler chicken of 1 year. He was all fine this morning but at eve he became slow, starting swaying and sitting everywhere and his eyes were dull. He is nit easting anything. He just ate little garlic and water with apple cider. What should I do? Can anyone help?
No, I always keep eye on what is he eating since im home now a days. Right now he is sleeping with me and he is shaking continuously
Poor guy! Sounds like the nervous system was affected ...? I’m not an expert, unfortunately. Maybe an insect bite? Not sure how to help him, but hopefully someone with more experience will comment. You could try Googling his symptoms to see if you can find anything. Good luck and hope he gets better soon!
hey i just remembered he has eaten plum stone yesterday. Can it be the cause?
Oooo, maybe! I know you’re supposed to remove fruit stones when you give fruit to chickens. I would Google it to see what might happen if ingested.

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