lethargic chicken


10 Years
Aug 31, 2009
My Americauna hen has been very quiet the last 2 days. She stays by herself. Today, she didn't come out of the coup. Her vent area is a little pasty. Yesterday,I was feeding the other girls a peach and she didn't want any. Later I feed them some grapes and she gobbled it up as I was feeding her. I'm going to soak her in some soapy water today to clean her butt. I don't think she's egg bound since she hasn't laid any eggs since Sept. She's about 3 or 4 years old.
She could be eggbound. Make sure you soak her in warm water. If she is eggbound, the warm water will expand her innards and you can massage her underside for about 15 minutes to help the egg move along. Then lube her vent with olive oil (after you've cleaned the area.) The olive oil will make it easier for her to lay the egg.
Also, inspect her for lice/mites. She might need worming too.
I soaked her in warm water and as I was washing her vent area, I noticed that the whole lower area below her vent was swollen. It felt like there was a lot of gas. She's not underweight but there was very little in her crop. Does that sound like worms? If so, what should I use? My chickens have never had worms before.
Today, I feed her a hard boiled egg. She ate the whole thing. She's not eating or drinking but she eats the egg and grapes. I gave her some Tetramycine hcl 343 diluted with a dropper twice today just in case she has an infection since she is swollen below the vent area. I soaked her in warm water yesterday. She pretty much stays in 1 area except when I'm trying to catch her. Will soak her again tomorrow. Help!

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