Lethargic EE Hen Not Eating & Getting Worse


11 Years
Oct 4, 2008
North Central Florida
Good Morning All
This is a new one to us. We have an EE hen that is aproximately 1 1/2 years old. She is completely lethargic almost listless. No other signs or symptoms. Eyes are clear, sinuses clear, no poop lately so can't tell you that, not egg bound, no injuries.
What she is doing is that her right foot curls up if she tries to walk or if you try to make her walk. She doesn't want to eat or drink. She has lost most of her balance but it seems to be caused by the lack of use of the foot.
What we are doing so far is forcing her to take Poly-Vi-Sol w/o Iron, forcing her to drink water, giving her scrambled egg and wet cat food if we can get her to eat it.
It appears to me that she has a vitamin deficiency thing going on but I may be way off here.
Any thoughts or ideas would be greatly appreciated.
What comes to my mind is maybe a heart attack or stroke......especially if one side is affected and you're sure the foot is not injured. Sounds like you're doing all that you can do, really. Electrolites in the water are always good. I guess vitamins would be similar to that...if you think she could possibly have an infection maybe some duramayacin in the water would be a good idea.....

Lots of times, you just never figure out what's wrong, I'm sorry to say. You're putting forth a great effort to try and turn things around.....

Good luck to you!

She has dropped weight but she was never really heavy to start with. We wormed our birds within the last 3 months with both Wazine and Ivermectin. She has been on Nutrena Layer Pellets with treats of scrambled eggs.

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