Lethargic, white lumps, drooling

Aug 6, 2021
Hello everyone, after endless googling and reading so many threads and my poor chicken not getting any better over a week I thought I would finally ask for help. My 3 year old chicken Teri, I noticed her drooling and shaking her head about a week and a half ago and a few days after that, I noticed her not wanted to get up in the mornings. I thought it was just due to the cold weather.
About a week ago was when I really noticed she’s not well when I found her laying still in the bushes.
Since then, I‘ve been treating her for worms with killverm thinking it could be gapeworm, vetrx thinking it could be a respiratory issue and giving her Powerade and apple cider vinegar/garlic water (all of which has been with a syringe as she isn’t drinking or eating on her own). She isn’t sneezing, wheezing, no swelling anywhere.
Symptoms I have noticed is some white “grains” (looks almost like minced garlic, but very white. When I tried wiping it off with a q tip, there was some bleeding) on the right side of inside of her mouth which is the same side she has her eye closed (she can open but stays shut most of the time), lots of drooling(more so when I am giving her some water) and green poo.
She has good balance (meaning she can walk fine, but prefers perching and sleeping all day) and my other chicken has no issues.
I’ve been feeding her egg lately as I felt too much time had passed without her having eaten any food. When I show her food, she looks excited and even tries to peck at it but seems as though she doesn’t have the energy to eat as she doesn’t seem to open her beak wide enough and I think the mucus inside her mouth is too thick for the food to stay in her beak without her really trying. I also noticed a day after feeding her scrambled eggs, the scrambled egg came out whole in her poop?
Shes been losing weight over the past week and becoming less alert.

What could it be! Thank you in advance.
Whenever I determine a chicken needs to undergo treatment, I give the medicines at night to the individual chicken. Even with a flock of more than 50 and a dozen of them sick, it takes no extra effort to give individual treatments rather than try to treat liters of water.

The first night, I deworm with 2 drops of Ivermectin 1% washed down with about 3mL water. Any other dewormer is not for me because they require multiday treatments, however I suppose you can do your three days of Killverm, or whatever the directions say.

After the first night deworm, on night 2 I give them antibiotics. If I'm treating respiratory problems like the flu symptoms that appear in cold weather, I have Tilosin available. If it's a cocci or coryza, then I give different antibiotics. I rarely have to bother past treating 2 nights with Tilosin, but it would be possible to continue if necessary. The cocci and coryza I give several days treatments. No I don't follow directions, but you should.

So for me I recently treated a dozen sick juvenile and younger birds with cold weather malaise, probably more than half had worms, and several had some pox on their faces. Using only night time treatments, I didn't have to treat more than 2 nights all but two of them, and all the pox and sickly symptoms were gone. Some have had worms return after 8 days, but thats just the eggs hatching and they passed them without medication. Of the dozen I treated, only two need a repeat treatment after waiting 8 days, and their symptoms are so much milder.

For their daytime treatments, it could be they have a fever or flu like symptoms you can't see like aching or overall malaise that cause them to be unable to eat. For me, I give aspirin during the day if it is a fever, that usually breaks it and allows them to eat. I had a sick chicken passing pure water through her system during the day and not eating, and within an hour the aspirin helped her return to normal.

It's okay to do the ACV and garlic, but I would limit it to a daytime treat. To me, the ingredients in Vetrx are not desirable. Maybe you should try an antibiotic. Your bird is older than the ones I treat, so she may need longer bouts of antibiotics than a months old juvenile.

Definitely try to continue to deworm and give antibiotics. A broad spectrum such as Tilosin and anti-cocci since shes been sick for so long and considering her age. Are her worming treatments almost done? Try to give only water at night and leave the ACV and electrolyes for the day, and not every day. She can't have alternative medications every day, just like you don't want to give only vitamins every day.
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