Lets play "Name That Breed!"


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 5, 2014
Springfield, IL
There are three white ones, although one is starting to look pretty gray...

There are three brown ones that I believe are Welsummers since one of them looked like a chipmunk at a few days old...

Then there are four black ones... I have NO idea on these guys!

I am only assuming they are the same breed since they looked alike at birth, but no guarantees on that either.

It's pretty easy to determine the sex since the combs are pretty obvious on the cockerels, but I'd love everyone's thoughts!

I also added a few pictures of them at 5 days old so you can see the progression!


Did they come from a breeder or a hatchery? are they bantam or large fowl?

My first impression is mixed breed birds.
They came from a hatchery and my neighnbor got them from her daughter's preschool. (They were bought to watch hatch.) She did say she thought they may have been bantam but they're much bigger than my bantam ones the same age. (Not much help, huh?)
We're pretty sure the brown ones are Welsummers... They looked like chipmunks when they were a few days old...

Unfortunately, many breeds come in that color and look virtually identical as chicks. They could be Welsummers, but they could also be Black Breasted Red Old English Game, Light Brown Leghorns, and several other breeds or mixes of those breeds/varieties.

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