Lets see pics of your PALLET COOPS!

Here's mine I'm almost finished with. I used pallets, got the metal roof off an old free travel trailer I got, and went to a construction site and they gave me the plywood. The roofs were the hardest to make, had to bend it over a sheet of old plywood. Never going to leak.just picked up the paint today but it was cold out. The window is from the same trailer. It opens up and is in front of one of there roosts.
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We're still working on ours but here's our start
Celeise, Did you finish it? We are working on ours right now and it looks a lot like this pic of yours. I'm wondering if you covered the inside of the pallets with something. We also have a dirt floor and plan to use deep litter. I'd love to see more pics if you've made more progress!
How wonderful! I'm looking for a temporary shelter for our 5 red chicks. They seem to be getting cramped in their brooder and I'm still working on their coop. Thank you so much for inspiration!
Here is our newly expanded duck coop... I'm loving the "window", and I'm sure they do too. My only problem is how to water proof the roof.
... which isn't in this picture haha. This was still during construction. I know the coop isn't exactly even but our yard is REALLY uneven so this is after spending a bunch of time digging and TRYING to level! Not to mention we used pallets and recycled wood so we didn't build off a frame.. I would recommend buying lumber for a frame =) Ours turned out good though. Hubby added extra wood to level the coop and our roof looks nice. It will look great once I paint it (spray paint didn't work on some of the wood).
Slapped together a run for our chicks. They are getting too big for the brooder, but we have a small house. So on sunny days they can have some outside time.
Sorry I haven't been on here in a while and the email just came 2 days ago. We did finish it back in sept or oct of last year. I don't know how to transfer pics from 1 thread to another. I posted them on thread my pallet chicken coop!!
I think this is the link
We used the deep litter method as well. The inside we covered with some cheap plywood and painted it very well with the good left over paint from the house several layers. So far it has still done good. We don't live there anymore but we still own the land. It got to be a hassle going back and forth to chickens everyday. So we gave them to our nice neighbors behind us. We still go out there and check on land and it's still looking good thur rain storms and all. They asked about the chicken coop but with them all being put together and being the heavy duty blue ones it is not movable at all. So when I sell my land the coop will stay with it
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