Let's see your pics of cats at their best!!!

Kuntry Klucker

12 Years
Jun 9, 2010
Tennesee Smoky Mts.
I have two cats, Indy and Tabby. Seems like they are always doing something worthy of a camera
shot. Here are a few.

A feast fit for a king.

"What on earth is that? I think I can take it, maybe not."

A bird on the skylight. Oh the excitement.

Cuddle time

Let's see some of your feline friends at their best.
This is Rascal. He's 9 years old and has seen the addition of 4 kids to our family. He never much cared for the kids, but for some strange reason, this cat adores the baby. I started noticing him wanting to be near the baby all the time (Jacob couldn't care less about the cat, he ignores him.) So I started snapping pictures of the baby and the cat.




My 5yo DD wanted a pic of her favorite toys and the other cat, Nittany, joined in:
Those are all really cute pics. I am surprised that Rascal like to be near the baby. Most
cats walk the other way when baby is coming. Guess something with pulling at ears
and tails gets on the nerves.

Jacob is a doll. Mine were that little once.

They grow so fast.

My cats love to sunbathe in the door way too. So much that they would rather
be stepped on then move. So funny. We gave up and just walk around them.
They have it made.
We have 2 cats. One's mine, the other's my sister's. His name is Rascal, but he is rarely called that. He's usually called The Beast (guess why...
). He hates to be held, refuses to sit nicely with anyone, and is just plain terrible. MY kitty, on the other hand, loves to be held, would give anything to sit with you, and LOVES it when you sleep on the futon, so she can join you.

Here he is, looking at her evilly through MY hat....

And looking cute on the roof last winter...

And crying for his milk in the barn (actually, that was the middle of a yawn, but it looked so much like he was crying for his milk, which he does do)...

Now, here's my cat, Mittens, that sweet, lovable, cuddly kitty...

I interrupted her bath...

Sitting on my lap, while my Aussie Ginger got all excited ("IT'S THE CAT!!!!!!!!")

And they both wanted my attention on a Sunday morning before church a few years ago... I love how Ginger looks rather guilty here, and Mittens is so ashamed to look at the camera...

And for the sake of the past, here's Muffy. She was a rescue, and had 1 eye. She had to be put down several years ago. She was the sweetest kitty, and loved to give kisses and cuddled whenever you wanted her to.

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