Let's see your pics of cats at their best!!!

Saying hi to all the BYCers...


aaawww....look at all the naughty kitties.

Belle, that cat with the baby looks and kinda reminds me of our Petey. He's such a lovebutt and follows the kids everywhere...he'll be jumping on the swingset and traversing the beam across where the girls are swinging below. He's such a nut. Then if they stand in one spot too long he's all about wrapping them up with petting thier legs and walking around and around thier legs and wrapping his tail around them. He's a total goofball.

This would be the cat that dac dumped on our doorstep and then dac ran off and left him.
Petey and his long haired sister, Fuzzball, but she's a princess and too good to be touched but she'll rub herself on patio furniture and roll upside down and show you how cute she is...besides her eating bugs and hacking bug parts up later...she really does think she's a princess.
Awwwwww...look at all the pretty kitties. All your cats are so pretty. Cats
are so much fun, not sure if I could live with out one. I have had cats
for as long as I can remember.

They are great!! mine caught a mouse last
winter that I did not even know what in my house. Nice to have someone
looking after think below the 1 foot level.
Love all the cats on here! Here are a few of mine!
this is Skeeters as a kitten

This is Max as a kitten

Skeeters all grown up and in my flower bed, again!

Max and Maggie dog, I'm not sure why, but they pick at one another alot! They aren't mean, they just play together.

This is Jackie and Skeeters, they are brother and sister from seperate litters, and she never grew up, she is soo tiny and just plain cute. She has claimed my middle boy as hers and follows him everywhere. She is the boss of the boys and reminds them regularly.

I love my Manx cats!!
They are so different from other cats I've owned. I have one more cat, but she apparently is camera shy and I can never get her picture!
Keep all the pics coming, I really enjoy them!
Skeeters and Max are so cute. The pic with Max and Maggie is so cute.
It is nice that they get along, most cats and dogs that I have seen
do not get along so well. cute though.
Belle, your cat is huge.

Buffster, I think I've seen those cats before.

G, you wanted Petey and Tinkerbelle. I didn't do a drive by. I even visited for a bit, more than once.

Everyone else, nice kitties.
This is the family cat of our house-hold, Gimli.


HE used to love getting up on top of the cabnets, and peer down at us in the kitchen.
He doesn't anymore, as he's too lazy.
This was several eayrs ago now, but he looks pretty much the same.
This is my MaineCoon baby, his name is George,
20 pounds of romping stomping love!

...taking a little catnap in this photo

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