Let's share our chicken decor!


Hey guys this pillow is $12.99 on Zulily. They are having an event called Farmhouse Finds. They have some really cute chicken stuff. I have ordered from Zulily before, It usually takes about two to three weeks for them to ship. Just thought you guys might want to check it out.
You mean it's day light where you are? I'm still waiting..

That was a fun baby shower I guess I get into the punch alot because I can't spell worth a hoot and spell check disappeared over a week ago.
[I spend more time going back and correcting than the actual typing]
I don't care if you can't spell Miss Lydia, I just like seeing you around

You had a spell check that actually corrected the typing? My Mac only lets me know a word is wrong and I have 3 guesses to get it corrected..If I can't, I just change the word...LOL.
I get the red underline on misspelled words. If I'm feeling energetic, I'll try a couple of guesses but usually, I just change the word too. The other day I was trying to type "knowledgeable" and it just wasn't coming out right, had to change it to "know it all". Almost the same, right, lol?
Just wanted to let you guys know if any of you needed some more chicken decor. Right now I am on a budget, but I can still look. Saving up for Christmas for all of our kids. I think Christmas is more expensive now that they are in their twenties...and the youngest is twelve. His can get pretty high too....he is obessed with legos. Hope you have fun browsing Zulily. To get there just type Zulily in search engine.
You had a spell check that actually corrected the typing? My Mac only lets me know a word is wrong and I have 3 guesses to get it corrected..If I can't, I just change the word...LOL.
No it shows up underlined in red here on BYC but they took it off the thing across the top [probably just a way to get back at me for some reason]
then It would let me pick the right spelling now I have to change the word
which is a pain in the patooty. I think some on smart phones actually have words changed and they will be wrong words.
You have found some nice things there. I especially like the rooster mirror, very cool!
I like the roo mirror too and I love clocks so that clock really appeals to me. Love pillows too, actually there aren't many things in poultry I don't like.I also have some dachshund things too. Only one huband though I quit collecting early there. And thanks you for your sweet words NFC appreciate them.
Just wanted to let you guys know if any of you needed some more chicken decor. Right now I am on a budget, but I can still look. Saving up for Christmas for all of our kids. I think Christmas is more expensive now that they are in their twenties...and the youngest is twelve. His can get pretty high too....he is obessed with legos. Hope you have fun browsing Zulily. To get there just type Zulily in search engine.

Kids do get more expensive as they get older (for Christmas anyway). When they're little they just want a toy or the box the toy came in.

We're always on a tight budget, plus, I'm just not a shopper, but I sure enjoy seeing all the wonderful things on this thread!
I like the roo mirror too and I love clocks so that clock really appeals to me. Love pillows too, actually there aren't many things in poultry I don't like.I also have some dachshund things too. Only one huband though I quit collecting early there. And thanks you for your sweet words NFC appreciate them.

LOL, too funny!
I had to return my first 2 and continue shopping...looks like #3 is a keeper though.

Told you I wasn't a very good shopper!
LOL, too funny!
I had to return my first 2 and continue shopping...looks like #3 is a keeper though.

Told you I wasn't a very good shopper
I had to go through one before finding this one but thankfully my search ended there. Sometimes we have to pull alot of weeds before the special flowers show their faces.

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