Let's share our chicken decor!

I think if you like it, who cares what anybody says. I personally like it myself. It makes me grin and smile. Who wants to have things you don't smile at just so your house can look like a picture out of Better Homes and Gardens.

have you ever looked at their photos and tried to figure out how anyone real could live in those sterile "staged" scenes?

My house looks more like a picture from "kitchen disasters," except the whole house looks that way. Who cares, it's HOME!!

Mine too, but my cat and chickens don't care..LOL.

Maybe we should start a magazine ( or just a thread) of " Real People Homes and Interiors"

In case you haven't noticed I take great care to block out interior views when posting pics
I have so many to share with you all, I will get each one down and get a proper photo, I always have been made fun of because of my chicken collection, though it hasn't stopped me, more to come. Now I have something to do. Well more to do.
@sunflour around here we have Dollar Tree, Dollar General and Family Dollar. It can get confusing. The Dollar Tree is a "true" dollar store...nothing there costs more than 1 dollar. The other 2 aren't like that, their prices range higher. Love your new chicks!

@oldhenlikesdogs .I'm enjoying your pictures. Good stuff!

Okay just saw this online. Hope I don't offend anyone, but I think this would be so funny in my kitchen. It makes me laugh.
I don't see anything offensive about it. I like the dirty look about the fried egg!

What is the picture on, a tile or towel, something else?
My friend just about has a chicken shrine in her house, everywhere all kinds of chicken photos, trinkets, do dads, figurines, too numerous to count but, it would be hard to photograph them - she lives very frugally and doesn't turn lights on - not great for taking photos. Only runs a small fan if temps are in 90's, and stingy with the boiler too, in winter.
probably right - she's had many chickens over 25 yrs. but, ALL house chickens. She is always cooking something for them and the dog.. She's 77 ( 9 yrs. older than I am) does all her own gutter cleaning, yard work, painting, big , beautiful garden - more and more chicken figures outside. She is quite a character.

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