Let's share our chicken decor!

Very nice. You have so many amazing items.
X2 and it keeps going which is really cool.
I like that too, you best get busy shopping we're going to suffer with drawl once you quit. :p
I have lots of other "junk", it's just not chickens, I am close to capacity, so anything in has to send something out. I tried starting a no chicken forum, but I only had two visits and got discouraged.
I have lots of other "junk", it's just not chickens, I am close to capacity, so anything in has to send something out. I tried starting a no chicken forum, but I only had two visits and got discouraged.
I didn't even see the other one, sorry not many responded. it's about the same with me I'll have to put on another room or 2 if I bring in much more. I like so many different things Old dishes etc. Dachshunds. etc. clocks so many things.
That's beautiful, it has patina.

I have lots of other "junk", it's just not chickens, I am close to capacity, so anything in has to send something out. I tried starting a no chicken forum, but I only had two visits and got discouraged.
I haven't spent as much time on BYC lately, so much going on, but somehow missed the link, care to share it here.

I have given away literally truck loads of great stuff and somehow all those spaces are filled up again.

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