Let's share our chicken decor!

@TwoCrows You should have crows in your collection, at least two!

How did you come up with that member name anyway (if you don't mind me asking)?
Yes it was dissapointing. Apparrently he retired several years ago. But I am happy with what I do have from him. :)
 You should have crows in your collection, at least two!

How did you come up with that member name anyway (if you don't mind me asking)?

Yes I really am a lover of crows and ravens and do have a lot of "crow" stuff around the house. LOL

Most likely you will think I am nuts, LOL, but in my early twenties when me and the hubby got together, I had a "vision" of our home here having never seen this area. At the same time I "saw" this place, I said when we would finally get here, we would call it TwoCrows Ranch. When I first signed onto BYC, I was TwoCrowsRanch but since dropped the Ranch in my screen name.
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Yes I really am a lover of crows and ravens and do have a lot of "crow" stuff around the house. LOL

Most likely you will think I am nuts, LOL, but in my early twenties when me and the hubby got together, I had a "vision" of our home here having never seen this area. At the same time I "saw" this place, I said when we would finally get here, we would call it TwoCrows Ranch. When I first signed onto BYC, I was TwoCrowsRanch but since dropped the Ranch in my screen name.

Thanks for sharing….I love your TwoCrows name and avatar.

Now how about that crow stuff, get the camera out . LOL...


I have heard crows keep hawks away, so…how do we attract crows? They occasionally come to my bird feeder, but don't stay around.
LOL....how lucky you are to have crows at your feeders! No crows down here, lots of Ravens though.

Crows recognize faces. If you can win them over with positive experiences from you, you will earn their trust. Crows have learned to become very leary of humans anymore as they are considered pests and people go on these crow shoots. (horrible) And they all know it too. So you may have to work with them for a while.

Crows are really fond of cracked corn and sunflower seeds. You might put tray out just for them. Do they stay and watch you fill the bird feeders? If they do, you might talk to them, quickly look but not stare at them, and slowly put the tray down telling them this is for them. They are VERY smart and will learn that tray is just for them. My Ravens know exactly what food is for them and what food is for the wild birds and when attempting to steal the wild bird seed will sneak and hide from me knowing they are doing bad things. LOL
I had a crow eat one of my chicks one year, that bugger would fly over every year in the spring for three years after looking for chicks, I love crows just not in my yard.
Yes I really am a lover of crows and ravens and do have a lot of "crow" stuff around the house. LOL

Most likely you will think I am nuts, LOL, but in my early twenties when me and the hubby got together, I had a "vision" of our home here having never seen this area. At the same time I "saw" this place, I said when we would finally get here, we would call it TwoCrows Ranch. When I first signed onto BYC, I was TwoCrowsRanch but since dropped the Ranch in my screen name.

I don't think that's nuts at all. I like hearing things like that happen to people!

LOL....how lucky you are to have crows at your feeders! No crows down here, lots of Ravens though.

Crows recognize faces. If you can win them over with positive experiences from you, you will earn their trust. Crows have learned to become very leary of humans anymore as they are considered pests and people go on these crow shoots. (horrible) And they all know it too. So you may have to work with them for a while.

Crows are really fond of cracked corn and sunflower seeds. You might put tray out just for them. Do they stay and watch you fill the bird feeders? If they do, you might talk to them, quickly look but not stare at them, and slowly put the tray down telling them this is for them. They are VERY smart and will learn that tray is just for them. My Ravens know exactly what food is for them and what food is for the wild birds and when attempting to steal the wild bird seed will sneak and hide from me knowing they are doing bad things. LOL
We get crows around here but I've never seen them in my yard. When they fly overhead raising a ruckus, I've heard that can be a sign a hawk is in the area. Crows and hawks are enemies, right?
I don't think that's nuts at all. I like hearing things like that happen to people!

We get crows around here but I've never seen them in my yard. When they fly overhead raising a ruckus, I've heard that can be a sign a hawk is in the area. Crows and hawks are enemies, right?

When the flock hear crows they all look up and make little warning sounds. usually the crows are just flying over head but alot of times there is a hawk they are harassing. I have never had a crow land where the flock hangs out though. I actually like crows alot we watched a Nature program about how smart they are and It made me see them in a whole new light. Seems they are popular as caged inside birds in the UK.

@TwoCrows I enjoyed your story and all your chicken and quail collections.

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