Let's share our chicken decor!


Definitely lets go somewhere Tropical this winter!!!
Ok, if I don't have to wear shorts or a bathing suit ….. (my emoticons and editing buttons are blank) so copied and pasted this one.

and it showed in my reply window but not here…very strange.
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Tudy is our Mascot on BYC. She gets around the world in our contests such as "where in the world is Tudy", etc....

Here is our latest thread on giving Tudy a make-over....https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/1021442/official-byc-contest-make-over-tudy-and-you-can-win
Thanks, boy I sure miss a lot by not paying attention to the contests.

We cannot take Tudy - she looks too athletic and will likely have to have a bathing suit
And will probably beat us in Putt Putt.

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