Let's share our chicken decor!

I'm a bunny addict now, so hopelessly in love.

You mean hop-lessley in love :lol:

These are not chicken related, but thought you might like to see - these are human sized bunny "dolls" and a bunny headed baby buggy. Took these photos earlier this year at the same place I got the Bunny Cookie Jar:

The owner of the shop loves dogs - has 18 rescued ones at home. She told me she paid $35 for each of the two big rabbits and folks at the auction thought she was crazy. She loved them and wanted them just to display, never to sell. Funny that she did find a tag inside that gave her an identity on the origin. The designer's dolls are coveted - one only 2 foot high sold for over $900!!. And these guys are appraised at thousands each.
So guess she really got the last laugh. And glad I didn't try to make her an offer on them
. She did give me a really good deal on my cookie jar - surfed the net after I go home with it, and could find only one with a price, an eBay auction that sold for many times over what I paid

Now don't get any ideas, IMO real bunnies don't like tea parties or human clothes:)
Those so would be sitting at my table with me for company, and would have names. I love weird stuff, and now bunny stuff.
Great new pieces you found @sunflour

Just got done checking out what else I could see of the shop in your photos...that looks like a fun one to poke around in!
We,l of course we got some Vidalia onions. Honestly had not expected those, they are a little early this year. I was gonna post the onion pics, but won't since they are not chicken related ;) . Here's my new vintage stuff: Bunny Cookie Jar - there are 2 baby chicks at her feet. The bunny behind her has had a fractured ear but the repair was done quite well. A rooster platter - same one under the Bunny above- And salt and pepper shakers _
Awesome finds!!

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