Let's share our chicken decor!

I went to TSC yesterday and they had a whole bunch of farm related decor. I was really tempted by the Christmas ornament goat but i was already buying a lot of stuff so i left it there. I like to buy that stuff on sale.
I already know you're from wayyy down south. :lol:

By the way, love your title. Might have to steal it when it's -20 and the winds are howling.

Actually I grew up in the midwest, lived in FL for 6 years and now live in WY. Somehow the southern thing seems to be my natural persona.

I'll bet the WY wind against your non-FL wind and raise you by a couple of lower degrees, lol!
Actually I grew up in the midwest, lived in FL for 6 years and now live in WY. Somehow the southern thing seems to be my natural persona.

I'll bet the WY wind against your non-FL wind and raise you by a couple of lower degrees, lol!
Anybody that sticks it out in FL for 6 years has to be a southerner at heart. Everyone else falls over and dies. :lol:

You may keep your wind (and -60 temps). I don't want it, thanks. Already have enough... It's wrecked my coop's door before.
I have been a southerner and a northerner. Lived in NS from 1974-1992. Then off to FL until we moved to TN for 7 years then back to FL to help parents. Just this May we moved to Virginia hoping it will not be too hot or too cold but just right.
Here is the lamp my TN friend bought me for Xmas one year. 20171003_100842.jpg
I have been a southerner and a northerner. Lived in NS from 1974-1992. Then off to FL until we moved to TN for 7 years then back to FL to help parents. Just this May we moved to Virginia hoping it will not be too hot or too cold but just right.
Like Goldilocks, eh? It seems from descriptions I've heard of that area that those midway places tend to be both too hot AND too cold. :hmm Hopefully that isn't the case.
Me too, especially when i had no chickens. Husband hates it, lol. So it is in my room. I am really thankful for these thick mens socks i bought yesterday. It was hot here this summer but bearable and not as hot as western TN. I doubt it will be as cold or have as much snow as NS, so we should be good. Just wish we would get some rain.
Glad the pup is on patrol. Are the two ( pup and bear) getting to be friends?

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My mom had one of the first models and loved it, but back then the replacement bags were had to find. We just use the Ziplock manual vacuum thingy - but if you have a lot to put up an electric foodsaver would be nice.
He still just tolerates her. I think he's come to the conclusion she's here to stay. Have you ever seen the movie Homeward Bound? They remind me of the dogs on there:lol:I've wanted a foodsaver for quite some time. I had lots of peppers that I didn't want to go to waste so the neighbor borrowed me hers which worked fabulous but the new one I bought is not impressing me. I called their hotline today and ran out of time while I was put on hold so I had to hang up and will have to try again.

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