Let's swap some seeds.....

Quote: Those look good. I can not grow a tomato outside because of the bugs, but In the green house in winter they do well.
Please save me some of those seed when they get ripe. I am not growing anything this summer, it got too hot too early then we had frost and freezes late... It was a weird year.
I need to get serious about ordering seed though, so you want the Senorita, anything else that you would like to try?
I figure we are in the same temp ranges-but we get really humid so we have to use as many mildew resistant varieties as possible.
Like the Charleston or the Rattle snake? I think I got some of them years ago from Gurneys.
They did really well for us. I planted them along the edge of the run so they could get some of the chicken 'nutrient' 
A friend grows the smaller -I can not think of the name, the grocery store variety-, so I stopped growing them for ourselves, but the Old varieties handle the heat and mildews really well.

I think where we are in the country will have a lot to do with our success or not.
We need to organize that.

I am open to suggestion on green house tomato varieties, I think Rutgers has always been a good producer for me, but i would like a good canning tomato. Any suggestions?

My DH grows nothing but Champion, they can well, better fresh though ;).... I prefer Early Girl for canning whole, Juliet Roma for sauce... I'm trying both bush and vine in the Early Girl this year; so far, of course, the original is not failing me yet :D

I am wanting to find some Carolina Reaper pepper seeds...oh and if anyone has something better than purple organic radishes as pod radishes, I couldn't grow enough this year, and my seed stock is getting pecked into nothing...
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My DH grows nothing but Champion, they can well, better fresh though ;).... I prefer Early Girl for canning whole, Juliet Roma for sauce... I'm trying both bush and vine in the Early Girl this year; so far, of course, the original is not failing me yet :D

I am wanting to find some Carolina Reaper pepper seeds...oh and if anyone has something better than purple organic radishes as pod radishes, I couldn't grow enough this year, and my seed stock is getting pecked into nothing...
I might be able to get some Carolina reaper seeds the real thing
What are pod radishes?

A happy accident lol... I tried some heirloom purple radishes last spring; didn't care for the radishes, but the chickens loved the tops, and I got an idea to get some seed, so I let them seed... And seed they did! The seed pods are edible and tastier than the radishes :D Easily over 100 pods per radish! (I use radish for cover crop in spring to deter weeds, so I tend to use a lot of seed lol)

I might be able to get some Carolina reaper seeds the real thing

That would be awesome; I'm more looking for that for a novelty type, maybe a salsa attempt lol... That and they're just scary cool looking ;)

Pod radish :)

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