Lets talk about goats!

Quote: Yep.
I hope to get a polled buck in the future so that we could get some polled babies.
Here is a new one for everyone. A doe of mine needed her teeth floated yesterday. Like a horse gets their teeth floated. She'd been exhibiting the same signs and symptoms of a horse with dental issues, and had a laceration on the inside of her cheek from the sharp bits of tooth contacting the cheek. The teeth on her right side were taller and more jagged, causing her problems chewing plus the wound. Now that they're evened out, she is already eating better. No more dropped food, pocketing in that bad cheek, etc.

The vet did have to give her a mild sedative to get her to relax for the procedure. Though she is apparently very resistant to what she was given, since all she got was a bit wobbly when she should have been sedated enough to lay down. The dose was so that she was 'there' but not going to fight and stress out. Still got it done, though.
Hi! I just found this thread. I have Nigerian Dwarfs. 4 adult does,and 1 adult buck. I had 3 sets of twins this spring and only got one doeling. Last week I lost one buckling to pneumonia and then we had a bad thunderstorm and my doeling had a huge piece of plywood land on her and it killed her. She was our special pet so it was pretty tough.
I also have a mini Nubian doeling and a mini mancha doeling.
Oh, that's so so sad!
I'm sorry for your loss.
I'm sending a big hug your way!

Thanks so much!! It was really sad to go out to their pen yesterday and no Elf nibbling on my clothes and begging for attention! DH told me I could look for another doeling since we'd planned to raise 2 for first fresheners next spring so I've been scouring local breeders. Sadly there really aren't a lot of quality milking Nigerians in our area. :(
Here's one of my favorite pics of Elf. She crawled into my lap by herself and dozed for a while. :love
What kind of wormer do you used for lung work I have a goat that has a cough n I wanna treat her for lung work but my local feed store couldn't help me
What kind of wormer do you used for lung work I have a goat that has a cough n I wanna treat her for lung work but my local feed store couldn't help me

A cough does not equal lung worm. There are 50 different things that could cause it. I would suggest you determine the cause before you decide on a treatment. This is how we get resistant worms.

ETA I think that came out a bit rude sounding, lol. It wasn't meant that way. Just factual. :)
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