Lets talk about goats!

And even after that the police havent done anything but send a parol out once a month that circles the block and leaves.

I would suggest you set it up so it appears everyone has left and then have your father or someone hide and keep an eye out. You can also get wireless alarms that tell you when someone is coming down your driveway.
Thats a good idea ↑. I think we are going to have to do that because this has really gotten out of hand.
We have the gam cam, but my dad thinks they might take it when I flashes. We have stayed out there during the summer, but never actually seen anything. There has even been a couple instances when we stayed out all night, then when we went into the house the next morning after an uneventful night they come out and pull their pranks. I am no longer able to stay home alone anymore, because whoever this is concentrates all their pranks on me. They have even had the nerve to come here during the day and pull stunts when I am here. But only when it is just me. It feels like they watch the house and know our schedules. The scariest incident was over the summer when I was home alone. I was out working with the pony, he was going to be shown in 4H this year, and had Diesel and the mule out with me just grazing in the yard, when someone inc the woods started whistling and banging trees with sticks. I quickly put the pony and mule away in their pen, grabbed Diesel went in the house and locked all the doors. I called our closest neighbor and kept them on the phone as I searched for something to defend myself with just in case. Of course I didnt know the combo to the gun case so I had to settle with the biggest knife I could find, which didnt really make me feel any safer. I had all our dogs in the house with me and stayed out of sight fromcany windows. About 15 min. later I peered out a 2nd story window to check on the pony and mule. They were both gone and the gate was hanging open. Then neighbor I had on the phone came over and together we set out to find the pony and mule. We found them about a mile down the road and nrought them back. But when we walked back around the front of the house not 5 minutes after putting them back in the pen we found the door to the shed, that we had just walked past fully opened. It was closed when we passed it the first time. Needless to say I stayed at his house until one of my family members got home.

You need (if your game cam isn't) a game camera with an infrared flash. And you need to disguise it so the person doesn't know it is there.

If you haven't already, put up No Trespassing signs. This helps save YOUR butt when someone trespasses, since they will doubtfully heed the warning. Most cops, if they report to a trespassing call, will ask if signs are up, and if they are not, their hands are tied on the first incident they witness. Though you or your father needs to file a police report over all of this. Get the paperwork moving. You have a list of incidents, and hopefully you recorded the date of all these incidents. You will look more credible to the police if you have all your information and ducks in a row.

Here is an example of a disguised game camera. At night, he wouldn't be able to see it. And at night, with an infrared flash, he won't see the 'flash' either. Humans cannot see infrared light, it is out of our range we can see, like ultraviolet light.

We have no trespassing signs all over our property. I'll check the camera and definitely try the camoflouging. I can't think of anyone that has a grudge against me or my family, but you never know I guess. Thank you for the advice everyone!

Prim, being super cute lol. I just lost her a month ago. Had her for over 10 years
She was such a sweetheart. She will be missed.
Today wasn't fun for me or my goats. I noticed yesterday they both have lice. So today we had to spray them down and remove all the hay bedding from their house and then burn the bedding.
NO FUN. I hope lice is not too hard to deal with, its our first time.
Today wasn't fun for me or my goats. I noticed yesterday they both have lice. So today we had to spray them down and remove all the hay bedding from their house and then burn the bedding.
NO FUN. I hope lice is not too hard to deal with, its our first time.

Im sorry...
The breeder I got my goats from said to me that lice are part of having goats but the two tips she gave me was to shave them (may not be an option in this weather) and use ivormec pour on meant for cattle (its like a frontline type thing) do they have it really bad?

I have my own problem in a way. Every time I sit down in my goat pen/chicken run, my goats jump up onto my lap and start biting me and they jump up onto my back and if I stand up to get them off they climb onto my shoulders... they climb all over me and eat my jacket to the point where ive lost buttons and hair and jewelry... (they didnt swallow anything)
I just don't know how to get my goats to stop mauling me every time I sit down or bend down...
Im sorry...
The breeder I got my goats from said to me that lice are part of having goats but the two tips she gave me was to shave them (may not be an option in this weather) and use ivormec pour on meant for cattle (its like a frontline type thing) do they have it really bad?

I have my own problem in a way. Every time I sit down in my goat pen/chicken run, my goats jump up onto my lap and start biting me and they jump up onto my back and if I stand up to get them off they climb onto my shoulders... they climb all over me and eat my jacket to the point where ive lost buttons and hair and jewelry... (they didnt swallow anything)
I just don't know how to get my goats to stop mauling me every time I sit down or bend down...

What are his herd conditions like, if he thinks lice are normal? Lice most certainly happen, but aren't the norm. Lice often are most common during fall and winter, though. They like it cool, not hot, so their numbers are lowest in the summer. And shaving really does help, but as you mentioned, it is not an option with this weather. He is spot on that ivermectin pour on works well to treat them. It is kind of like frontline in how it is applied, but a different medication.

You can also use a pyrethrin based horse fly spray. A water based one needs to be reapplied more often than an oil based one. And it needs to be applied enough times to kill the hatching eggs.

As for the bad behavior, you need to start enforcing limits for your goats, now. Start with a simple one, no jumping on humans. Also, no mouths on humans. Start with a simple tool, a squirt bottle each time they try to jump on you or put hair/clothing/whatever in their mouths. Sometimes you need to add a bit of vinegar to the water of the squirt bottle to make it a bit more noxious for them, hit them in the nose or on the ears, never the eyes. A squirt bottle is a kinder method than others out there to discourage them, if they will respond to it ( most goats hate water, some don't care though). My buckling who occasionally jumps up on me gets a (lightly placed) knee to his chest each time he tries. Or I grab his ear (goats bite each other on the ear as part of pecking order, I just grab it, he instantly gets the idea with no pressure). He is still small, but I will not stand for that behavior around any human. But I also reward him when he is being good. He doesn't get them unless he is doing what I want him to do.

Until they are more in line, do not sit down with them. Do not give them any treats unless all four hooves are on the ground and they are being good. Reward good behavior, if they are being quiet around you, give a small treat.

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