Lets talk about goats!

We are still not having much luck bonding with our pygmies. annie and dave. Annie is less hesitant to get yummies from our hands but Dave makes her move away. Any ideas?
We are still not having much luck bonding with our pygmies.  annie and dave.  Annie is less hesitant to get yummies from our hands but Dave makes her move away.  Any ideas?

The only thing I can think of is just spending more time with them. I think that eventually they will learn that you don't bite. ;)
We are still not having much luck bonding with our pygmies.  annie and dave.  Annie is less hesitant to get yummies from our hands but Dave makes her move away.  Any ideas?

From my experience it just takes time, some goats need more time then others. I bought 3 pygmys that were not friendly. The youngest took about 2 weeks and the 6 month old took about 2 months. The other one is still not a touchy feely goat but she lets me touch her at feeding time. I think she just has a strange personality. Keep spending time with them and they should come around.

I wanted to ask here also, when getting housing set up for goats, does it need to be fully predator proof, like with chickens coops? Would raccoons, squirrels, possums, rats or cats bother them? Would the goats chase them away?
The only predators you need to be concerned about would be large ones. The biggest problems by far are caused by dogs. Depending on where you live coyotes, cougars, and bears can be a concern also. A good fence will keep dogs and coyotes out.
Ok, we don't have any of those large predators except our own 30 lb pet beagle... So far he gets along with the tortoise, but wants to chase the chickens... But hasn't actually bit one. Is there any way to predict how he would do with nigerian dwarves?
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One of our does had two gorgeous doelings yesterday, on the 4th. We've named them Spangle and Sparkle.

The only problem is one of the doeling's knees go forward, and her hooves bend down so that she basically walks on her knuckles. I've never experienced this before, but I have dealt with something similar to this with chickens. A simple "hobble" does the trick, and their legs are normally better within 3 days. Could I do something like that with her?

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